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PriSeT 2013 : 1st International Workshop on Privacy in Semantic Technologies

Published on: 02/04/2013 Event Archived
Banff, Canada

In recent years, Web users have seen an exponential growth in the amount of data being generated and exchanged in form of blogs, tweets, social networking and mobile applications. In this respect, Semantic technologies have emerged as a potential candidate for modelling and building of software systems that are privacy-aware.

On the other hand, recent linked-data initiatives from government, academia and industry are rapidly moving towards making the users’ data available for distributed sharing and linking. However, the main concern is without sufficient privacy safeguards and controls, there is a high risk these linking of data and its exploitation will become a “privacy nightmare” for the Web users. Semantic Web has been redefined in recent years but the privacy enhancing technologies specifically relating to the use of URI, RDF and SPARQL are still lagging behind. Addressing such privacy challenges in the software engineering domain will entail eliciting user-centric requirements and modelling, knowledge discovery and representation, privacy policy modelling, privacy-by-design architectures and evaluation of privacy enhancing techniques and methods. Therefore, this workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange and disseminate their work to a wider audience and receive critical feedback on work primarily supporting privacy in and with semantic technologies.

More information on the call for paper can be found at:

Expected Participants:

Academicians and industry experts

Physical location
Banff, Canada