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The role of geographic information in the Digital Agenda: Challenges, opportunities and new policies

Published on: 08/04/2016 Event Archived
Sala Pirelli, sede AgID
Viale Liszt, 21 - 00144 ROMA

May 11, 2016 - 9:00 - 17:00

About the Conference

Geographic information is becoming an integral and essential part of the decision support systems for increasing efficiency in both business processes and those of public governance.

In this regard, there is commitment, especially economic, lavished over the years by the Italian authorities in the production of spatial data and services connected to them. Nevertheless, there are still several problems, both at the policy level and at the organizational and technical level.

Some of these problems could certainly be exceeded through the initiatives put forward at international and EU level: among others, the regulatory framework, defined by the INSPIRE Directive , the ' EULF initiative and the United Nations' initiative on " Global Geospatial Information Management " (UN-GGIM).

In the light of the factors described above, through this National Conference we are meant to represent the state of geographic information in Italy, with the aim of defining new policies that allow to recover the gap accumulated over years on the use of geographic data and production of services, accepting the challenges and opportunities offered by the digital agenda.


For more information about the registration, please refer to (in Italian):

Expected Participants:

Public/private sector

State: Pending



For more information about the agenda, please refer to (in Italian):

Physical location
Sala Pirelli, sede AgID
Viale Liszt, 21 - 00144 ROMA