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SEMIC Linked Data Event Streams pilot for the ERA on the 9th of June

Published on: 31/05/2022 Last update: 02/08/2023 Event

Visual LDES

We would like to invite you to a webinar dedicated to the showcase of an LDES (Linked Data Event Streams)  pilot for ERA (European Railway Agency) on the 9th of June at 10:00 (CEST). 

LDES provides a data publishing alternative based on Linked Data principles, that models dataset changes as a stream of events. This enables opportune data synchronization tasks and access to previous versions of dataset (historic data). In this pilot we aim to establish the foundations and show the benefits of the LDES approach, to power a specific use case required by ERA, namely the infrastructure change alert.

ERA manages infrastructure data, which is provided by infrastructure managers from all the EU member states, via the RINF base registry. Organizations such as railway undertakings rely on this data to assess the physical compatibility of their vehicles with the underlying infrastructure of particular regions. Therefore, they need to be alerted if changes in the physical properties of the infrastructure happen in regions of interest. This use case can be addressed by leveraging an LDES data publishing approach over the RINF base registry, which would enable client applications to keep in sync and detect data changes that are relevant for different RUs.

The tentative agenda for this webinar is the following:

  • Welcome
  • Introduction to the pilot for ERA
  • Demo of the LDES implementation
  • Open discussion and identification of possible next steps or other use cases

We invite you to contribute to this discussion on Github.
