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STAIR'13: Semantic Technology and Information Retrieval 2013

Published on: 05/03/2013 Event Archived
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Date : 28th - 29th August 2013
Place : Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

STAIR’13 conjunction with MCAIT conference is back to bring together researchers, academicians, scientist and professionals to exchange new ideas and latest achievements in the areas of Knowledge Technology. STAIR'13 conference draws on several research areas, such as Knowledge Management System, Information and Knowledge Extraction, Information Retrieval, Digital Library and Records Management, and Semantic Computing. Please refer Topics for details.

STAIR’13 is held in conjunction with The 2st International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (M-CAIT’2013). For more information regarding the M-CAIT’2013 multi-conference and all other sister conferences held at M-CAIT’2013, please visit:

STAIR’13 will be held at Shah Alam from the 28 - 29th August 2013. It is organized by theKnowledge Technology Group and sponsored by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).



Some of the topics of the accepted contributions would include, but are not limited to:

1. Semantic Technology

  • Semantic Web
  • Semantic Search and Retrieval
  • Ontology Engineering
  • Application of Ontology
  • Semantic Integration
  • Semantic Based Analysis
  • Application using Semantics
  • Semantic Interface

2. Information Retrieval

  • Citation Analysis, Social Networks for IR
  • Distributed IR, Peer to Peer Search
  • Domain-specific IR (e.g., Legal IR, Genome, Mobile IR, IR for chemical structures)
  • Filtering (e.g., Routing, Collaborative filtering, Topic tracking, Recommender systems)
  • Foundation of Information Retrieval (e.g., theory, ranking)
  • IR Architectures, Scalability and Efficiency
  • IR Evaluation
  • Language Specific IR (Multi-lingual, Cross-lingual, NLP, Question and Answer)
  • Machine Learning for IR
  • Multimedia IR (Audio, Speech, Video, Image)
  • Semi-Structured Information Retrieval
  • Distributed IR, Peer to Peer Search
  • User Modeling for IR, Search Personalization
  • User Studies, Interactive Information Retrieval, Interfaces and PIM
  • Web Search, Advertising, Adversarial
  • Other topics related to IR (Privacy, Spam, Feature Engineering, et. al.)

3. Natural Language Processing

  • Phonology and Morphology, Tagging and Chunking and Segmentation
  • Syntax and Parsing
  • Semantics
  • Discourse, Dialogue, and Pragmatics
  • Summarization and Generation
  • Machine Translation and Multilingual systems
  • Information Retrieval and Question Answering
  • Information Extraction
  • Language Resources and Tools
  • Natural Language Processing Applications
  • Text Mining

4. Knowledge Management

  • Advertising and Optimization
  • Classification and Clustering
  • Data pre- and post-Processing
  • Information Extraction
  • Information Filtering and Recommender Systems
  • Knowledge Synthesis and Visualization
  • Large-scale statistical techniques
  • Link and Graph Mining
  • Semantic Techniques
  • Temporal and Spatial data Mining
  • Knowledge Management Systems
Expected Participants:



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Programme available in the conference website:

Physical location
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia