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StandarDays - open info days on European Standardization

Published on: 05/03/2013 Event Archived
Brussels (Belgium)
CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre
Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

StandarDays is a two-day information session consisting of an introductory plenary meeting, which explains the different aspects and tasks of CEN and CENELEC (day 1) and interactive, in-depth workshops (day 2). This structure gives participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the overall European Standardization System (day 1) and then take advantage of the CEN and CENELEC expertise to obtain further clarification and explanations (day 2).

Objectives of the training

StandarDays give a clear and structured overview of the European Standardization System, of the CEN and CENELEC products and processes, as well as the benefits of involvement to potential stakeholders.


Participation is free of charge. Since there is a limited number of places, registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and will close when the maximum number is reached.

Expected Participants:

StandarDays are aimed at all actors interested in the European standardization system: industry, consumers, administrations and government, European institutions, research centres, national standards institutes, academia etc.

Physical location
Brussels (Belgium)
CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre
Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels, Belgium