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World Standards Day 2015 - October 14, 2015, Luxembourg

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 25/08/2015 Event Archived
Belval Campus, Maison du Savoir
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

World Standards Day is celebrated annually around the world to increase awareness of the role that standards play in the global economy. This event aims to honor thousands of scientific and industrial experts who contribute to making our society better through the means of international standards.

ILNAS & University of Luxembourg invite you to the annual celebration of World Standards Day in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. ILNAS & University of Luxembourg will host you during an ICT standardization oriented session & a general session, followed by the awarding ceremony and a cocktail. It’s a great chance to get informed about the latest advancements, exchange views & experiences with our local and international community of experts, as well as profit from exciting networking opportunities!

For more information about the agenda and the registration process, visit the website:

Expected Participants:

Public/private sector, academia

State: Pending
Physical location
Belval Campus, Maison du Savoir
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette