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Collection of resources for Semantics

Collection of resources for S…

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Published on: 25/11/2009 News Archived

Find carefully selected repositories dealing with Semantic Interoperability from Europe and the rest of the world, dealing with e-Government, Knowledge Organisations, Standards and other interesting topics from the world of Semantic Interoperability.

The German XRepository is a central part of the German standardisation initiative, collecting and provinding XML based interoperability assets across all levels of government.

The Registry of Data Standards from Hong Kong provides public access to XML schemas which are part of the national Interoperability Framework.

The United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization lists Knowledge
Organisation Systems in the agricultural and related domains.

The United States' National Center for Biomedical Ontology maintains a repository of ontologies actively used in biomedical communities.

Find these repositories and many more in our category "Related Repositories", located under the navigation tab "Asset Repository".

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