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A Data Model to Support the Publishing of Legislation as Linked Open Data

A Data Model to Support the P…

Published on: 13/07/2016 Last update: 04/10/2017 News Archived

Citizens, professionals in the legal domain, businesses as well as civil servants need to know what legislation is in force. Legislation is often amended, repealed and codified, making it difficult to have a clear view of what text is in force at any specific point in time. In this context, the Hellenic Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction and the Italian Anti-corruption Agency contacted the ISA Programme of the European Commission to develop a pilot that has the two fold objective of making legislation available in both human and machine readable format and visualising the evolution of legislation over time, to enable user friendly consultation.

In order to allow legislative information to be published as Open Data, a data model was proposed to support this publishing process. The suggested data model is based on the ELI ontology and extended with concepts from Akoma Ntoso and the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary, thereby facilitating interoperability with other EU Member States. The full pilot can be downloaded or forked from the SEMICeu Github repository and the documentation on the data model can be consulted on the pilot website

The data model has been put in public deliberation by the Ministry until 15 July 2016. For more information about the public consultation, please refer to: (text in Greek).

City/Location: Brussels


Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 13/07/2016 - 19:25

Quite interesting, here you can find the direct translation of the site in the greek gov to english (via google translate).


Besides the pilot website link in the last sentence before the last paragraph does not work.