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The Debian Package Tracking System switches to the Turtle format for its meta-data

The Debian Package Tracking S…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 01/02/2013 News Archived

The Debian Package Tracking System (PTS) now uses the Turtle format for its meta-data publication, documenting the distribution's source packages.

Instead of the RDF/XML which renders the RDF meta-data quite opaque for implementors and tinkerers, Turtle offers the benefits of being both human-readable and machine-readable.

This should help disseminate the use of RDF and ADMS.SW for other FLOSS projects, hopefully.

The full dump of the meta-data produced by the Debian PTS represents more than 2.1 million triples at the moment.

More details in…

City/Location: Evry (France)


Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 19/02/2013 - 14:37

FYI, I wrote a paper "Linked Data descriptions of Debian source packages using ADMS.SW", that has been published in the proceedings of the SWESE 2012 workshop, that presents the Debian PTS implementation (see also an HTML version).