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Digital income tax card in Germany

Digital income tax card in Ge…

Joinup Admin
Published on: 26/10/2009 News Archived

The German paper card for income taxes is issued for the last time in 2009.

It will be abolished with the introduction of an electronic data transfer mechanism in 2011.

At the core of the new procedure are electronic tax calculation parameters (called "ELStAM") which employers will retrieve electronically from the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) via the existing tax declaration system "ELSTER". They contain information on marital status, religion, exemptions due to physical disabilities etc.

Extended data standard

Up to this point, these data have been held by local population registration authorities. In 2010, they will be transferred to the Federal Central Tax Office in preparation of the new system?s rollout.

An extension of the well-established data standard for eGovernment in population registration, OSCI-XMeld, defines messages and data structures for this transfer.

XMeld is available in the SEMIC.EU repository: OSCI-XMeld

Partner project: OSCI-XMeld