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EU: Asset Description Metadata Schema version 1.00 available for download on Joinup

EU: Asset Description Metadat…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 20/04/2012 News Archived

ADMS is an initiative of the ISA Programme of the European Commission, which formed a multidisciplinary working group of researchers, EU institutions, standardisation bodies and other experts to create a vocabulary for describing semantic assets such as data dictionaries, data models, code lists, XML schemas and RDF models. 

ADMS v1.00 is expressed in UML, RDF and XSD and helps projects and repositories to better document what their semantic assets are about, their status, theme, version, etc. and where they can be found on the Web (URL). Once the ADMS description is created it can be published on ISA's collaborative platform, Joinup, while the asset itself remains on the website of its publisher. This new functionality is known as the federation of semantic assets repositories and will be available in the summer of 2012. As the semantic asset becomes more visible and discoverable, more people are likely to reuse it. This brings benefits to other projects (e.g. the project can be delivered faster and more interoperability) and to its publisher (larger user base). 

Interested users can view the ADMS enabled Federation promotional video at and can also read more about the federation of semantic assets repositories at

ADMS v1.00 will be contributed to the W3C’s Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group. This means that ADMS will be published by the GLD Working Group as First Public Working Drafts for further consultation within the context of the typical W3C standardisation process. The desired outcome of that process will be the publication of ADMS as open Web standards available under W3C's Royalty-Free License. 

Users interested to implement ADMS can contact the responsible team at There is already a community of practice on Joinup bringing together users of the ADMS specification. 

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