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EU-funded project facilitates access to linked data for SMEs

EU-funded project facilitates…

Published on: 29/04/2015 Last update: 17/10/2017 News Archived

About the project

The LinDA project addresses one of the most significant challenges of the usage and publication of Linked Data, the renovation and conversion of existing data formats into structures that support the semantic enrichment and interlinking of data. The set of tools provided by LinDA will assist enterprises, especially SMEs which often cannot afford the development and maintenance of dedicated information analysis and management departments, in efficiently developing novel data analytical services that are linked to the available public data therefore contributing to improve their competitiveness and stimulating the emergence of innovative business models.

About the Linked Data Workbench

LinDA aims at assisting SMEs and data providers in renovating public sector information, analysing and interlinking with enterprise data by developing a linked data workbench encompassing:

  • A cross-platform, extensible software framework that provides a rule-based system for renovating and converting a wide range of supported data containers, structures and formats into arbitrary RDF graphs. The framework can be used to develop custom solutions for SMEs and public sector organisations or be integrated into existing open data applications, in order to support the automated conversion of data into linked data.
  • A repository for accessing and sharing Linked-Data vocabularies and metadata amongst SMEs data marts that can be linked to the LOD (Linked Open Data) cloud.
  • An ecosystem of Linked Data publication and consumption apps, which can be bound together in a dynamic manner, leading to new, unpredicted insights.
  • A library of visualisation tools for different data modalities (e.g. spatial, temporal and statistic) based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript that can consume output from the Linked Data API and generic web APIs.
  • A library of end-user Analytics and data mining apps library, based on existing Java based components (Weka and Java ML) extended to point to RDF as source format.
  • End-to-end business scenarios and models for Linked-Data utilisation on analytics by SMEs.

For more information about the LinDA project and its deliverables, please visit the project's webpage: