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Pan-European review of German pollutant reporting model

Pan-European review of German…

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Published on: 25/05/2010 News Archived

Germany kicks off coordination of reporting to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register with its XML schema.

As an interoperability tool for the E-PRTR, the asset is highly relevant to all Member States of the EU because all industrial facilities are obliged to report their emissions data if they exceed certain thresholds.

The asset (referred to by its German acronym ?BUBE?) provides data models to meet requirements from the EU Directive on Limitation of Certain Pollutants (?LCP Directive?) as well as other obligations in emissions reporting.

The German model is now available as a reference model for reuse in the reporting procedures of industrial pollutants across Europe.

Comments and discussion of alternatives are called for!

SEMIC.EU invites other Member States to provide their own models as well.

Discussing and comparing the models will raise the capacities for pan-European harmonisation in emissions data reporting.

A call for comments on the German model has been issued in the context of the asset clearing process.


Asset access: Data flow and interfaces for the European PRTR (BUBE)
Call for comments: Maturity request: XML schema for E-PRTR reporting
Forum thread: Maturity Process:Data flow and interfaces for the European PRTR
Asset Assessment Report by SEMIC.EU Clearing Mangement: Data flow and interfaces for the European PRTR


The BUBE model was submitted by the German Federal Environmental Agency. It was developed in a cooperative effort of the federal and state levels under the umbrella of the ?agreement of co-operation for design and developments of software for environmental information systems (VKoopUIS)?.
