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SEMIC presented at the European Data Forum 2013

SEMIC presented at the Europe…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 24/04/2013 News Archived

The European Data Forum (EDF) 2013 took place from April 9-10, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland at the Croke Park Conference Centre. It is the annual meeting-point for data practitioners from industry, research and the public-sector to discuss the opportunities and challenges of Big, Open and Linked Data. The SEMIC team was there to present their work on semantic interoperability and Linked Government Data in the context of the Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations (ISA) Programme.

In EDF2013 keynotes from world-renowned experts were combined with a series of talks and showcases around Linked Data, Open Data, and Big Data. EDF2013 successfully met its objective to bring together stakeholders involved in the data value chain to exchange ideas for addressing the challenges and opportunities for realising the European data economy. More than 300 people attended the conference.

The organisation of EDF2013 was a joint initiative of 7 European projects (BIG, LOD2, PlanetData, Optique, envision, TELEIOS and EUCLID) and was supported by European Commission as well as by the Digital Repository of Ireland, STI International and DERI that took care of the local organisation. The conference was an associated event of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The key messages conveyed in the conference included:

  • The need for Europe to be quicker with time-to-market in the area of big and linked data.
  • The fact that standardisation (i.e. common URIs, shared vocabularies and taxonomies) is essential in opening and linking data.
  • Open data can be an operating model for government data, using Linked Data to solve complex problems, such as data integration and interoperability.
  • Data provenance, persistence, quality and licensing are enablers of the raising European data economy.

João Frade, Nikos Loutas and Michiel De Keyzer of the SEMIC team presented the work carried out in the context of the semantic interoperability action of the ISA Programme and explained how ISA helps local and national governments to publish and seamlessly exchange information, and how they can create value out of Linked Government Data, thus supporting the realisation of the European data economy.

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