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UK Open Data survey report: how to make the most of Public Sector Information

UK Open Data survey report: h…

Published on: 12/04/2013 News Archived

To review the current status on the availability and re-use of PSI UK Public Sector Information (PSI), the UK Government launched an online survey aimed at gathering views from many types of stakeholder into open data and the use of Public Sector Information. YouGov, the organisation that conducted this survey, has published a report with the survey results.

The report concludes that in order to make the most of the opportunity presented by open data and PSI, a number of issues must be addressed. Among other issues, it stresses the importance of ensuring that open data is published in a usable format. The report highlights a direct link between usable data and the use of common reference data:

 ‘The benefits in an open data approach depend often on core reference data and on the opportunity to cross reference and share / integrate different data. Having this data in silos and in multiple formats with varying levels of access prevents the real value being unlocked’

A similar idea is presented in a study on how Linked Data is transforming eGovernment conducted by the ISA Programme of the European Commission. In this report, Linked Data is shown as enabler for Open Data initiatives to make the most of their datasets.

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