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User survey now online!

User survey now online!

Joinup Admin
Published on: 16/12/2009 News Archived

The European Commission has launched a survey on three of its collaboration platforms - SEMIC.EU, and

Its intention is to use the feedback gathered from the users to improve the services of the websites.

Your requirements, experiences and assessments are vital in improving the services of

If you are also familiar with the other two collaboration platforms ? and ? you are kindly asked to also answer questions regarding these websites within the same questionnaire.

The survey aims to evaluate the user experience with all three platforms and the potential for greater synergies between them. The results will be used to better serve the users taking an integrated approach.

So please take a few minutes to communicate your experience as a user (data will be gathered anonymously)!


Survey access:
Exchange Platforms survey: User Experience and Expectations


Your feedback is crucial and highly appreciated.