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What attributes identify a person?

What attributes identify a pe…

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Published on: 04/05/2010 News Archived

SEMIC.EU kicks off first ever conformance process for pan-European interoperability asset.

A pan-European interoperability asset for data on persons is currently developed. It will be designed to enter the highest quality state.

Why data on persons?

Personal data is a set of data used in virtually all contexts of eGovernment and public administration. SEMIC.EU is currently working on a core set of attributes which represent a harmonisation of current implementations of natural person data models available.

This core set of attributes known as "SEMIC.EU Core Person" is abstracted so it can be utilised in a broad set of use cases. Once the purpose and case
are determined, additional specific information bearing units (entities) are added to create a global schema for the precise use case.

LinkedIn discussion: What are the core attributes?

The SEMIC.EU group at LinkedIn currently discusses what it is that belongs to the data core ? which data is absolutely indispensable as the core for exchange of personal data?

Your requirements and input are needed!

The clearing process for interoperability assets is at the heart of SEMIC.EU. In our scheme of ascending quality, there are assets "under development", "registered" and "mature" assets.

For a quick overview of the successive stages of SEMIC.EU Clearing, have a look at the Clearing Process reference.

New website section on conformance process

A new section at SEMIC.EU covers the conformance process and the current state of play:

Conformance section