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Szabolcs Szekacs


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Policy Officer, DG  Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW), European Commission

Szabolcs Szekacs is a Hungarian economist, specialised in information management. He started his career in the private sector in various financial and IT development projects, before becoming a European Commission official in 2008. His first projects included the establishment of the Open Source Observatory and Repository, an OSS initiative by the European Commission, which later merged into the platform. Later, he became involved with the overall management of the ISA and ISA² Programmes (Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens), which aim at facilitating the efficient and effective electronic cross-border and cross-sector interaction between European public administrations, businesses and citizens. In this context, he also led the development of the European Sharing and Reuse of IT solutions Framework and helped kick-off the Sharing and Reuse Awards contest. Since January 2017, he ihas been involved with ICT standardisation and eSkills initiatives at the European Commission.


 Connect with Szabolcs on LinkedIn



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