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Second workshop on Personal Data Spaces

Published on: 02/11/2022 Last update: 12/05/2023 Event Archived
Ispra, Italy

PDS Session 2

Together with the Interoperable Europe unit & the JRC, we welcomed all invitees on Wednesday the first of March 2023 for the second workshop on Personal Data Spaces.


The objective of this second workshop was to identify how existing and potential personal data space technologies can ensure semantic and technical interoperability by working hands-on on a use case. The aim of the use case was to identify the key building blocks which will show how personal data space technologies can be used to create an architecture that is conformant to MyData principles. These building blocks will include Identity, Data Modelling, Service Management, Access Control, Governance and Logging.

To find out more about what SEMIC does around the Personal Data Spaces, please visit this page.


One day, starting at 9:30 until 16:30 CET on 1/03/2023. 


Time Activity
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome & introduction
10:30 - 12:30 Breakout workshop sessions - A. Identity & B. Data models
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:30 Fishbowl discussion: Growing Personal Data Space Services
14:30 - 16:30 Breakout workshop sessions - C. Data Access Control & D. Governance
16:30 - 17:00 Break
17:00 - 17:45 Synthesis of the results of the day
17:45 - 18:00 Thank you and closing
18:00 - 18:45 Networking drinks


  • This event was invitation only.
  • This was an in-person event.

Key Experts in the lead

Viivi Lähteenoja, Researcher at the University of Helsinki and chair of the board for MyData Global.


Max Leonard is Principal Technologist at Inrupt. He leads a team of Architects and Developers who work with governments and large organisations to deploy Solid based systems in their enterprises, and to make Solid a business-as-usual reality for organisations and people the world over. 

Max Leonard

Joss Langford is the Executive Director of Coelition, an independent non-profit organisation that promotes the responsible use of personal data and open data standards. He is also CTO of the digital health company Activinsights and holds an honorary research fellowship at the University of Exeter.

Joss Langford

Published materials


Physical location
Ispra, Italy