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Published on: 03/05/2022 Discussion

Dear all 

The identification and assessment of existing and draft EU legislation in the digital field is quite hard.

I think this study by AIDA could be an excellent tool for this purpose. 

What do you think about it? Any possible issues and gaps?

All the best, 



Francisco Bariffi
Francisco Bariffi Mon, 09/05/2022 - 13:41

Excellent job. I wonder if I would be possible or advisable to include draft regulation in the field of human rights, and more specifically, in relation to groups in situation of vulnerability (disability, gender, age...etc.) I'm thinking about the draft regulations on equality and non-discrimination for example, or universal accessibility, or non-discrimination in the field of employment…

Best regards, 

Mario Santisteban Galar… Tue, 10/05/2022 - 17:25

I think it is a very good first step to detect inconsistencies between all these regulations. Some of these inconsistencies are superfcially dealt with, which is normal due to the scope of the work. Among them I would like to rescue one here to discuss: To what extent is it admissible to use filtering systems to deal with illegal content? There are different legislations, the regulation on adressing terrorist content online or the new copyright directive that encourage the use of these systems by social networks. How do these regulations relate to the principle of non-monitoring initially regulated in the E-commerce Directive and now in the Digital Service Act? 
