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Guidelines and templates

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Guideline/template Description Related solution Related category
CEN BII The CEN BII deliverables provide a basic framework for interoperability in pan-European electronic transactions expressed as a set of technical specifications. The focus of BII is on collecting European requirements and to provide guidance for consistent implementation of existing international developments. PEPPOL Services
Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Services
Public eProcurement in Norway Services
SFTI - eProcurement in Sweden Services
Open e-Prior Software
Single Face to Industry (Sweden) Specifications & standards
Library of data elements Specifications & standards
Business Interoperability Interfaces for Public procurement in Europe - Part 0: Introduction Specifications & standards
IDABC eProcurement XML schemas Specifications & standards
e-Document engineering tools (GEFEG.FX Tool) Software
e-Document engineering tools (Business Rules) Software
e-Document engineering tools (Validation Artifacts) Guidelines & templates
e-Document engineering tools (non-normative Schematron files) Guidelines & templates
CODICE Guidelines & templates
EU: IDABC Public eProcurement - Physical Database Model  The current document is created as part of the technical document deliverables of the Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (IDABC) Public eProcurement project, and constitutes the technical description of the physical database model of the dynamic demonstrators. Directive 2004/18/EC Policy
Directive 2004/17/EC Policy
IDABC eProcurement XML schemas Specifications & standards
Business Interoperability Interfaces for Public procurement in Europe - Part 0: Introduction Specifications & standards
CODICE Guidelines & templates
Golden Book of eProcurement Good Practices The Golden Book of eProcurement Good Practices consists of a set of 24 good practices helping contracting authorities and economic operators to successfully implement e-Procurement in Europe. E-Certis End-User Guide Guidelines & templates
E-Certis  Services
Green Paper on expanding the use of e-Procurement in the EU Policy
E-Certis End-User Guide This document describes how to use the e-CERTIS application from an end-user perspective. Golden Book of eProcurement Good Practices Guidelines & templates
E-Certis  Services
BG: Bulgarian Public Procurement Portal Services
EU: Draft PCP Manual- A practical guide to PCP Implementation for PROGR-EAST WP4 Pilots 
The PROGR-East consortium has prepared a first draft version of a "A practical guide to Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) implementation for Progr-East pilots".
The scope of this practical manual is to introduce innovative procurement strategies (in particular Pre-Commercial Procurement) to public authorities and stakeholders in Eastern European countries, illustrating and transferring interesting experiences implemented in other countries.
Draft ERAC Opinion on Innovation Procurement Policy
CODICE Set of standardized documents for electronic public procurement including eNotification, eTendering and eAwarding, following the UBL Syntax. EU: IDABC Public eProcurement - Physical Database Model  Guidelines & templates
CEN BII Guidelines & templates
IDABC eProcurement XML schemas Specifications & standards
The aim of CWA 14838-2:2003 is to provide guidelines on the elaboration of a business case for introducing an open smart card based e-ticketing scheme and procurement strategy. CWA 14838-2 Guidelines & templates
Guide for the procurement of standards-based ICT The European Commission issued in June 2013 a Guide for the procurement of standards-based ICT. It is intended to help those actors who are responsible for both planning and purchasing ICT systems and services under the EU procurement directive to ensure fully and effective competition following best procurement practices. Guide on Procuring IT solutions Guidelines & templates
Directive 2004/18/EC Policy
Directive 2014/24/EU  Policy
Directive 2004/17/EC Policy
OASIS UBL 2.1 UBL, the Universal Business Language, is the product of an international effort to define a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices. Developed in an open and accountable OASIS Technical Committee with participation from a variety of industry data standards organizations, UBL is designed to plug directly into existing business, legal, auditing, and records management practices, eliminating the re-keying of data in existing fax- and paper-based supply chains and providing an entry point into electronic commerce for small and medium-sized businesses. UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - PDF Specifications & standards
UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - XML Specifications & standards
UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - html Specifications & standards
WS-I Guidelines They provide resources for Web services developers to create interoperable Web services and verify that their results are compliant with WS-I guidelines. Open e-Prior Software
Guidelines for Public Procurement of ICT Goods and Services – Overview of Procurement Practices (2012)
They provide guidance on the link between ICT standardisation and public procurement.
Open e-Prior Software
Requirements for conducting public procurement using electronic means under the new public procurement Directives 2004/18/EC and 2004/17/EC
Document which presents the rules and principles governing eprocurement under the new public procurement Directives.
Open e-Prior Software
EU electronic catalogues public procurement It provides and overview of rules and current practices for the use of eCatalogues in both the public and the private sectors, with a view to formulate requirements and recommendations for their further development in public procurement. Open e-Prior Software
e-Document engineering tools (Validation Artifacts)
The purpose of this document is to describe how the validation artefacts for actual syntax implementations of
BII2 transactions have been developed and the way these artefacts can be used when developing or
deploying electronic procurement systems.
CEN BII Guidelines & templates
e-Document engineering tools (non-normative Schematron files) gle Zip file with all Schematron validation artifacts. CEN BII Guidelines & templates
EU: Standard Basic eOrdering Format and Data Structure The PEPPOL deliverable D4.1 "Standard Basic eOrdering Format and Data Structure" is a key deliverable in a series of deliverables consisting of 5 parts and is in close connection with work done by CEN/ISSS WS/BII. It provides first information about the initial situation, the PEPPOL project, standardisation approaches and specifications in eOrdering. PEPPOL Services
CWA 14838-2 Guideline for the development of Smart Card Based Interoperable Ticketing Systems. Guidelines & templates
Open e-Trustex Installation Guide This document describes how to prepare the installation for the e-TrustEx application. Open e-TrustEx Services
Guide on Procuring IT solutions Guide for the procurement of standards-based ICT. It is intended to help those actors who are responsible for both planning and purchasing ICT systems and services under the EU procurement directive to ensure fully and effective competition following best procurement practices. Guide for the procurement of standards-based ICT Guidelines & templates