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SEMIC 2013 - Semantic Interoperability Conference 2013

Published on: 10/04/2013 Last update: 09/10/2017 Event Archived
Dublin, Ireland
Croke Park Conference center
Jones Road
Dublin 3, Ireland
For directions, please visit
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The Visit Dublin website offers deals for accomodation in Dublin for all budgets and all tastes. If you want to find an accomodation near the conference venue, just select 'Croke Park' in the Location field of your search.
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Semantic Interoperability Conference 2013

21 June 2013

Dublin - Ireland

Download the SEMIC 2013 Highlights report ot preview it below.


Learn from the trailblazers!

The Semantic Interoperability Conference 2013 - SEMIC 2013 is going to bring together both the experts driving the practice of semantics and linked data technologies and those who have firsthand experience of implementing these standards in cross-border e-Government applications.

It's your chance to learn more about semantic technologies, be inspired by real life case studies and share your own experience.

What to expect on the day

SEMIC 2013 - offers a unique opportunity to explore how Public Administrations can use semantic technologies to make information exchange efficient and effective, allowing them to operate at lower costs and provide better services. The conference will be held in Dublin on 21 June 2013, the day after the Digital Agenda Assembly held on 19 & 20 June.

The conference addresses topics such as:

  • Linked government data;
  • Open Standards for eGovernment;
  • Core Vocabularies;
  • Data interoperability;
  • National semantic interoperability strategies;
  • Semantics for civil status documents;
  • Semantics and language technologies.

This one-day conference is organised by the ISA Programme of the European Commission.  

Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required and places are limited. Please click the button below to register.

Meet our Keynote Speakers

James Handler

Peta vs. Meta, Rethinking Data Interoperability on the World Wide Web 

James Hendler - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – RPI

James Hendler was appointed senior constellation professor of the Tetherless World Research Constellation and the Head of the Computer Science Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - RPI. He has authored about 200 technical papers in the areas of Semantic Web, artificial intelligence, agent-based computing and high performance processing. One of the early Semantic Web innovators, Hendler was co-author, with Tim Berners-Lee and Ora Lassila, of the article "The Semantic Web" which appeared in Scientific American in 2001. In 2012, he was one of the inaugural recipients of the Strata Conference “Big Data” awards for his work on large-scale open government data and he also serves as an "Internet Web Expert" for the U.S. government, providing guidance to the project.


Marco Pellegrino - Eurostat

After joining the European Commission in 1995, Marco Pellegrino has been holding several positions at Eurostat, dealing with the statistical information system, databases, metadata and standards for data exchange. He has authored several working papers in the area of metadata and data exchange, and has co-organised work sessions on metadata information systems (METIS) together with UNECE and OECD, between 2000 and 2009.

Since 2001, he has been active in the creation and promotion of the SDMX standard for data and metadata exchange (ISO IS 17369). In 2006-2008, he edited the SDMX Metadata Common Vocabulary (MCV) together with OECD, and then the SDMX content-oriented guidelines. His main interest, at present, is the promotion of advanced standards for managing micro data and aggregated data, and for the dissemination of high-quality open data. He serves as Eurostat representative in the DDI Alliance scientific committee and in the Technical working group of the SDMX Secretariat.

Conference Material

Conference Programme

Find below the conference programme. Contact us in case you have any questions.






 Registration & Coffee



Welcome to SEMIC 2013

Margarida Abecasis - European Commission, DG DIGIT, Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations

Download the conference brochure



ISA fostering semantic interoperability between public administrations in Europe

Vassilios Peristeras - European Commission, DG DIGIT, Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations -

Download presentation

PART 1: Achieving interoperability through reuse



Keynote - Maintaining the quality of EU statistics while enabling re-use

Marco Pellegrino - Eurostat -

Download presentation



Open Standards for eGovernment – The evolution of the eGov Core Vocabularies and ADMS

Phil Archer - W3C -

View presentation



Putting the eGov Core Vocabularies into practice

Stijn Goedertier & Nikolaos Loutas - PwC EU Services - 

Download presentation

 Coffee Break



Extending the eGov Core Vocabularies to a local level by the OSLO project (Open Standards for Local Administrations – Belgium)

Raf Buyle - V-ICT-OR, the Flemish ICT organisation -

Download presentation



Integrating plant protection product data using semantic technologies

Giorgos Georgiannakis - European Commission, DG SANCO -

Download presentation



ISA methodologies supporting the Common Information Sharing Environment for the EU Maritime Domain

Fernando Dias Marques - Portuguese Directorate-General for Maritime Policy -

Download presentation

 Networking Lunch

PART 2: Semantic Interoperability for Public Services



Keynote - Peta vs. Meta, Rethinking Data Interoperability on the World Wide Web

James Hendler - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) -

Download presentation



Semantic Interoperability of Basic Data in the Italian Public Sector

Giorgia Lodi - Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AgID) -

Download presentation



Applying semantics and language technology in TMClass  to harmonise trademark registrations

Jochen Hummel & Gudrún Magnúsdóttir - ESTeam AB -

Download presentation



Semantic interoperability of Civil Status Registers by the International Commission on Civil Status (ICCS-CIEC)

Panagiotis Gouvas - UBITECH - Download presentation

 Coffee Break



Building on INSPIRE: Existing and missing components for cross-domain interoperability in the EU

Andrea Perego - Joint Research Centre - Download presentation



Metadata interoperability - The DCAT Application profile for data portals in Europe

Leda Bargiotti - Publications Office of the European Union - Download presentation



Open Data Pipeline – publishing and linking government data

Richard Cyganiak - DERI, NUI Galway - Download presentation



Conference wrap-up

Margarida Abecasis - European Commission, DG DIGIT, Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations

Networking drink 


What could you gain from SEMIC 2013?

  • Expand your knowledge. Learn from real-life experiences of applying semantic models and technologies in cross-border e-Government applications, especially in the fields of public data and service interoperability. Find out how the Commission is supporting such work through related initiatives, such as ADMS and the eGov Core Vocabularies.
  • Meet the experts. You will have a unique opportunity to meet some of the people that are driving the practice of semantic and linked data technologies in government settings in Europe and beyond. 
  • Become part of our community. Take part in interesting discussions, share your thoughts and voice your opinion. 
  • Enjoy and be inspired. Make the most of a pleasant day surrounded by interesting projects, ideas and people.

Spread the word: #SEMIC - @SEMICeu

Related initiatives:




SEMIC 2013 is an associated event of DERI.
SEMIC 2013 is an associated event of the Crossover project.

Expected Participants:

The SEMIC 2013 is open to everyone interested in topics such as:

  • Semantic interoperability
  • Semantic technologies
  • e-Government
  • Metadata management
  • Linked open data

The content of this conference will be most valuable to:

  • Public Servants and professionals involved in national interoperability efforts at policy creation or implementation level;
  • Representatives of large-scale pan-European projects;
  • Representatives of standardisation bodies;
  • Researchers;
  • System integrators, software vendors and consultants.

State: Pending


Contact email
Physical location
Dublin, Ireland
Croke Park Conference center
Jones Road
Dublin 3, Ireland
For directions, please visit
Where to stay?
The Visit Dublin website offers deals for accomodation in Dublin for all budgets and all tastes. If you want to find an accomodation near the conference venue, just select 'Croke Park' in the Location field of your search.
Arriving earlier or staying on?
Would you like to stay on and enjoy a weekend in Dublin? Will you arrive earlier and have time for an evening in the city? We are pleased to invite you to enjoy Dublin. Find out more about what Dublin can offer to you on the or download the Visit Dublin App.