2023 in Review: Momentum for Interoperable Europe

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Published on: 21/12/2023 Last update: 08/01/2024

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to reflect on a year that has been nothing short of transformative for the landscape of public sector interoperability within the European Union. This year stands as a testament to the incredible strides made in fostering a digitally connected and efficient Europe. It's a narrative of overcoming challenges, embracing innovation, and cultivating a collaborative spirit that has driven the European Commission's Interoperability team.

In this review, we're not just chronicling achievements; we're celebrating a journey of relentless pursuit towards a vision of an Interoperable Europe. While it is impractical to encapsulate every single milestone, this article aims to spotlight key achievements that have significantly contributed to this vision. From legislative breakthroughs to educational advancements, each success story is a piece of the larger puzzle in our quest to seamlessly integrate digital transformation and interoperability into the fabric of European public services.

As we dive into these highlights, let's remember that they represent more than just the past year's work; they are the building blocks for a future where digital interoperability is not just an aspiration, but a reality for all in Europe.

1.Political Agreement on the Interoperable Europe Act 


A game-changer for EU digital policy, the agreement between the Parliament and the Council on the Interoperable Europe Act signifies a historic moment for the digital transformation of Europe. The Act is pivotal in establishing a unified digital framework across Member States, aimed at streamlining cross-border public services and reducing administrative burdens. It paves the way for inclusive digital public services, accessible to all EU citizens. This transformation is particularly beneficial for the 150 million EU citizens in border regions and the 2 million commuting across Member States. Read more. 

2. SEMIC Conference 

semic 2023 madrid

The SEMIC 2023 conference in Madrid surpassed expectations with record-breaking attendance. Themed "Interoperable Europe in the Age of AI," it brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the integration of AI with public sector interoperability. The conference's innovative workshops delved into AI in policy design, the role of large language models in semantic interoperability, and the development of an EU-wide public sector semantic model registry. These discussions are critical for shaping the future of AI and interoperability in the public sector. Watch the full SEMIC 2023 sessions and workshops on Youtube.

3. OSOR’s 15th Anniversary and OSOR Awards


The 15th anniversary of the Open Source Observatory was a landmark event, celebrating the evolution and mainstreaming of open technologies in public services. The OSOR Awards highlighted outstanding contributions and innovations in open source, recognising the efforts of communities like Blue Hats, initiatives like Geotrek.com, and platforms like gvSIG Suite. This event underscored the importance of open-source technology in shaping future public services. The sessions are available here.   

4. The 2023 State-Of-Play Report

state of play

The comprehensive report provided an insightful overview of digital public administration and interoperability across Europe. Highlighting advancements in cross-border interoperability and digital-ready policies, the report also shed light on challenges such as enhancing understanding and collaboration around interoperability and addressing technical issues. The diverse approaches to AI and GovTech, as well as innovative data sharing practices, were key topics. Explore the detailed findings and recommendations in the full report.

5. NIFO Factsheets on Digital Public Administration 

The 2023 NIFO factsheets offered a detailed look at digital transformation efforts in 31 European countries. These resources are invaluable for understanding the status and progress of digitalisation and interoperability in each nation. The factsheets, accompanied by informative infographics and updates on key topics like data sharing and innovative technologies, provide a holistic view of the digital public administration landscape in Europe. Deep-dive into the factsheets here

6. Interoperable Europe Academy’s Educational Achievements 


The Interoperable Europe Academy has reached impressive milestones in 2023, solidifying its role as a key educational resource in public sector interoperability. With a total of 14,000 learners engaged, the Academy has become a hub of knowledge and skill development. The Academy has issued 2,800 certificates, underscoring the high level of participation and achievement among its learners. The Academy offered 25 diverse learning courses, covering a wide range of topics pertinent to digital transformation and interoperability. This educational initiative is a testament to our commitment to enhancing digital literacy and proficiency across the European public sector, equipping professionals with the tools and understanding necessary to navigate and lead in the digital era.

7. Advancements in GovTech Initiatives 

The Public Sector Tech Watch and GovTech4all Incubator represent major strides in nurturing GovTech in Europe. The Public Sector Tech Watch serves as a hub for emerging technologies in the public sector, while the Incubator, co-financed by the DIGITAL Europe programme, focuses on developing new digital solutions for government services. The European Commission's pilot project on a European GovTech platform is another step towards integrating innovative digital solutions into public services. This comprehensive approach underlines the importance of GovTech in achieving the goals of Europe's Digital Decade and other strategic EU initiatives. 

8. Revamped Joinup Platform

2023 marked a significant enhancement in the Joinup platform, the European Commission’s hub for digital government ICT solutions and a vibrant community for e-Government professionals, where this page you are reading right now is also hosted. This year, we unveiled an updated look and feel for Joinup, meticulously designed to better meet the evolving needs of our diverse community. These improvements have transformed Joinup into an even more resource-rich environment. 

9. Workshops and Webinars 

Throughout 2023, countless workshops and webinars were conducted on topics like Digital-ready policymaking, DCATAP, IMAPS, and more. These events have been instrumental in disseminating knowledge, sharing best practices, and fostering a community of experts dedicated to advancing digital policy and interoperability across Europe. Watch recordings on our Youtube channel

This year has been a mosaic of achievements for Interoperable Europe, each piece representing the dedication, innovation, and collaborative spirit of our community.

We extend our deepest thanks to every individual, team, and partner who contributed to this journey. Your support and commitment have been the pillars of those achievements. From the political breakthroughs of the Interoperable Europe Act to the educational triumphs of the Interoperable Europe Academy, each success has been a collaborative effort.

Here's to a future that's digital and interoperable!


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