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e-bourgogne regional shared eGOV platform (e-bourgogne)

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 01/07/2006 Document Archived

e-bourgogne is a platform which delivers 20 e-services to more than 2000 public local entities in the region of Burgundy Region (France), municipalities, cities and other local legal entities; eProcurement (PROCURE) is the first e-service delivered by e-bourgogne. PROCURE was also a European eTEN project having as objectives to evaluate the environment of 5 other European Regions and assess the ways in which this service could be made available to them, responding to their legal, functional and technical requirements. At Burgundy level, PROCURE has delivered significant results in fostering industry competition, improving the quality of public purchaser jobs and reducing costs. Since the beginning of 2005, 14,000 tenders have been published on e-Bourgogne platform leading to 121,000 downloads of RFPs (Request for proposals). By December 2011, the existing service was used by 17,000 companies, among which a large majority of SME's to identify tenders, promote their offers and submit electronic tenders to 1,309 local legal entities (mainly local authorities). Presently, e-bourgogne governance is a GIP (Groupement d'Intérêt Public) public holding gathering those 2000 local entities. On October 23, 2009, the GIP has contracted with ATOS Worldline a 10 years Public Private Partnership (PPP) to develop, maintain, deploy and operate the multi-services e-bourgogne platform. This is the first Regional eGovernment PPP contract in France.

e-bourgogne general manager, Louis-François Fléri, has been awarded the 2009 Public Manager of the year award by French Ministry of Finance.

In Maastricht on November 9th, the GIP e-bourgogne has been awarded by EIPA (European Institute of Public Affair) the famous European Public Sector award 2009.


Policy Context

Policy context

The French central government created in 2003 an agency, now called DGME (Direction générale pour la modernisation de l'Etat) with the objectives to reduce and simplify paper-based administrative procedures and to improve productivity and efficiency. DGME rapidly established the interoperability common framework (in coherence with the e-Europe 2005 program) and launched the eGOV strategic program ADELE, "Administration Electronique 2004/2007", focusing primarily on State Administrations. e-bourgogne first three operational services were:

1. PROCURE e-service for electronic procurement (first e-service delivered by the e-Bourgogne platform).

2. Single entry for companies applying for financial support and/or requiring support for their business establishment in Burgundy, "J'entreprends en Bourgogne".

3. Digitalization of legal and accounting documents between local authorities and central administrations.

PROCURE is a e-service providing complete access to all regional public tenders with enabling tools that simplify and reduce the cost of submittal. The tendering service is used by all the entities interested in public calls for bids issued by the legal entities in the Burgundy region. They can be any type of legal entities or private companies, but the service is specifically intended to ease access to public tenders to local small and medium enterprises (SME).

Legal framework

A "Holding" of all public entities (GIP) has been created for the Region of Burgundy. e-bourgogne is organized through this specific governance model of which the regional legal entities (LA's and LLE's) are stakeholders. This governance model warrants the continuity of provided service independent of any political change. The GIP provides the service to all the legal entities autonomous in terms of procurement (legal authorities, universities, high schools, chambers of commerce, etc.) and represents their indfividual interests.

Description of target users and groups

Direct clients are local authorities (LAs) and local legal entities (LLE's).
Local Authorities (LA's)
- Regional council of Burgundy: 1
- Department councils: 4
- Municipalities of 0 to 500 inhabitants: 620
- Municipalities of 501 to 1000 inhabitants: 171
- Municipalities of 1001 to 2000 inhabitants: 87
- Municipalities of 2001 to 10 000 inhabitants:73
- Municipalities > 10 000 inhabitants: 16
- Inter-municipality agencies: 226

Local Legal Entities (LLE's)
- Social agencies: 3
- Chamber of Commerce: 4
- Schools: 46
- Universities: 7
- Hospitals: 25,
- Retirement houses: 12
- OPHLM (Subsidized housing): 8


Description of the way to implement the initiative

From 2003 until now, design, development, hosting, maintenance were subcontracted through specific tenders. Communication and education were mainly performed through Region staff. Now, the public holding company (GIP)  entered into a Public Private Partnership with a service company, ATOS.

Technology solution

The IT solution is open source under the GNU General Public License. The technology solution has been renovated as e-bourgogne has negotiated a PPP contract with a new service company; the existing system migrated to the new one, which supports large volumes of operation and functional evolution over the 10 years to come. e-Bourgogne platform and e-services are compliant with French interoperability standards, which themselves matches European directives.

Technology choice: Open source software

Main results, benefits and impacts

1. Regional level

Since its launch in December 2004, the PROCURE service has been used by 12.000 companies, among which a large majority of SME's, to identify tenders, promote their offers and submit electronic tenders. Since the beginning of 2005, 23,000 tenders were published on the e-Bourgogne platform and led to 200,000 downloads of documents (by January 2009). The cost-savings produced by the PROCURE on yearly basis are up to 6 millions euros. This is complemented with the 5 million sheets of paper saved. eGOV Burgundy survey demonstrate a very high satisfaction rate. Nearly 90% of local entities are very satisfied by the platform; and the PROCURE service was for them a key priority. Also, more interest has been created in the industry to respond to public tenders and especially SME's, for which access is easier. The job of public buyer has been significantly improved in terms of quality and interest, becoming more proactive and analytical (purchase observatory).

Concerning "J'entreprens en Bourgogne", the single entry service for companies establishing in Burgundy or applying to financial public support, key results are: huge improvement of internal processes; user satisfaction; cost and time reduction.

2. National level

Five other regions have decided to implement a same organizational approach as e-Bourgogne.

3. European level

Following the success of its regional public procurement dematerialization service and the extensive use made of the latter, particularly by SMEs, Burgundy Regional Council tendered for an European Commission eTEN call to market validate the PROCURE e-service in other European regions. The project started in the beginning of 2007 and its duration was 2 years. Results and key findings have been presented in Brussels on 2009, March 17th.

Following the PROCURE project, is the PEPOL on going European program.


Return on investment

Return on investment: Larger than €10,000,000

Track record of sharing

1.200 local public entities are involved in the e-Bourgogne project which equals about 50% of all public authorities in the Burgundy region. These public entities legal entity will join the holding company GIP as a permanent structure for operation. Target is to have more than 1.500 entities joining GIP. In France 5 other Regions are implementing similar platforms. In Europe, Procure aimed at evaluating the market applicability of e-tendering application to 5 other Regions: Central Bohemia, Piemonte (Italy), Uddevalla (Sweden), Brittany (France), Guadeloupe France overseas).

Lessons learnt

- Start by developing a shared vision and shared values.

- Mutualization and sharing of a global approach (solutions and services).

- Get commitment from the top political executives in the Region: e-bourgogne was initiated by an agreement signed between central government (Prime Minister) and the Region (President of Regional Council). Strong support of Regional Council President.

- Keep going to LAs and convince and educate: to insure the success of e-bourgogne, large efforts have been made in marketing and education, extensive field meetings with local mayors held by high level politicians, like Martine Vandelle, president of e-bourgogne and regional counselor in charge of procurement for the Region. Beside convincing and awareness raising, also a comprehensive education plan for LA's has been developed. Education is a key ingredient to get a successful deployment of new e-services in the field and is underestimated in many instances.

- Build a legal governance structure such as GIP.

Scope: International, Local (city or municipality), National, Regional (sub-national)