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WEBINAR - Sweden's innovative software procurement strategy: How to get best value for money and not getting locked-in

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 19/02/2015 Event Archived
Stockholm, Sweden


Daniel Melin


Wednesday 4 March 2015 (15:30 - 16:00) CET

Through this brief webinar Daniel Melin will share with the audience how Sweden is promoting open standards and open source through central framework agreements. Daniel will also cover how, from a market competitive standpoint, open source and open standards enable better competition between all suppliers of ICT solutions. This focus enables reuse of software based solutions, a more open public sector and long term cost reductions.
If you are a public procurer, a representative of the ICT industry, or if you are simply interested in the topic of how open standards and open source can be promoted through public procurement, join the conversation with Daniel Melin, in order to discover one way to promote open standards and open source to avoid lock-in situations.
ICT procurement specialist Daniel Melin from the Swedish National Procurement Services has been actively involved in promoting the use of open standards and open source as a method for reducing lock-in effects within the Swedish public sector since 2009. Daniel has been in the business of ICT for 25 years, both as a user, a vendor, a consultant as well as within procurement.
Daniel was in the advisory board to the European Commission's (DG Information Society) study Guidelines for public procurement of ICT systems” published in 2012. Daniel is also deeply involved in the use of cloud computing within the public sector. He has been the Swedish representative in the Nordic Council of Ministers working group for cloud computing, he contributes to Cloud Sweden's legal group and frequently advises the Swedish government about issues related to cloud computing.
Relevant articles you might want to read before the webinar:

Sweden to boost open source through procurement

Report: 15 percent of IT tenders ask for brand instead of solution

Swiss government consider re-use of Swedish open source procurement program

Public Open Source Software Procurement Models: The Next Generation


Relevant documents (Swedish only)

General terms and conditions for the framework agreement 

/sites/default/files/ckeditor_files/files/Bilaga Allmänna villkor.pdf

Rules for doing a mini competition from the framework agreement
Special conditions for Consultancy Services for the framework agreement
Special conditions for Customer tailored services for the framework agreement
Special conditions for Cloud computing services for the framework agreement
Special conditions for Open source software for the framework agreement
Special conditions for Proprietary software for the framework agreement

Other relevant documents (Swedish only) - Uploaded after the webinar

FFU Basic IT

/sites/default/files/ckeditor_files/files/FFU Grundläggande IT.pdf

FFU Information management

FFU Office support
FFU System development

/sites/default/files/ckeditor_files/files/FFU Systemutveckling.pdf


Webinar Slides

Mr Melin's presentation

/sites/default/files/ckeditor_files/files/Presentazione Webinar 20150304(1).pdf


Expected Participants:


State: Open
Physical location
Stockholm, Sweden