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Slovakia earmarks EUR 12 million for central bankruptcy portal

Slovakia earmarks EUR 12 mill…

Published on: 24/04/2015 News Archived

Slovakia’s Ministry of Finance signed a contract worth nearly EUR 12 million in March for the creation of a portal on bankruptcies, financial restructuring and debt reduction. By creating this portal, the Ministry aims to assist citizens, companies and legal professionals, by bringing together information that is already available in the systems of public administrations.

The portal should improve the availability of information and streamline processes, including court proceedings, thereby helping both debtors and creditors. The ministry also aims to ease the administrative burden, by requesting that data be entered just once.

The portal should be up and running within a year, the ministry announced after it signed the contract in March.

The ministry hopes that the portal will fix problems related to the country’s legacy legal systems, it explains in a press release.

The project should be linked to Slovakia’s CourtInformation System (Informačného systému súdov). The portal will provide courts with electronic record, replacing the current paper based work flow. The online system should also allow new services to be introduced. The system is to conform to Slovakia’s government IT standards.


More information:

Announcement by the Ministry of Finance (in Slovak)
Information System registry bankrupts (pdf, in Slovak)
Press release Information System registry bankrupts (pdf, in Slovak)