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Flemish Region launches Intergovernmental Product and Service Catalogue

Flemish Region launches Inter…

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Published on: 14/05/2013 News Archived

The Flemish Region has just launched its Intergovernmental Product and Service Catalogue (IPDC). The catalogue's ultimate aim is to allow citizens and companies to more easily search for public services provided at the local, provincial, regional, and national levels. This can be achieved by strengthening collaboration between governments at various levels and encouraging them to share descriptions of their products and services with the IPDC. Because the service descriptions are machine-readable, they can be reused in different contexts and by government access portals at different levels of government.

The catalogue can be accessed at the following URL (Dutch only):

The intergovernmental collaboration project is coordinated by the Flemish e-Government Coordination Unit (CORVE). Furhter information about the IPDC project can be found on the CORVE website (Dutch only). The project has provided sample data to test drive the Core Public Service Vocabulary in its first pilot implementation

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