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Specification of Registry of Registries as Editor's Draft version 0.09

Specification of Registry of Registries - Editor's Draft 0.09

Published on: 14/10/2019 Document

Version 0.09 of the Specification of Registry of Registries. This document is aligned with the DCAT-APv2 and includes some proposed solutions to close the issues that are still under discussion.

The main changes are highlighted in the document. 

  • Complete UML diagram with mandatory/recommended/optional qualifiers;
  • New classes and properties from the W3C Data Cube Vocabulary;
  • New classes and properties from the W3C Data Quality Vocabulary;
  • Minor typos

You are welcomed to share your comments directly on the open issues on Joinup:

[Issue #06] Quality of Datasets

[Issue #05] Structure of Datasets

[Issue #02] property 'isAuthoritative' for datasets (and their components)

Otherwise, you can share your comments with us directly to our email inbox.


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Last update: 26/05/2021

Access to Base Registries

Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+2 topics