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Glossary of Ethical Adoption of Disruptive Technology

Glossary of Ethical Adoption

Published on: 27/10/2023 Last update: 30/11/2023 Document
Business ModelA Business Model is a representation of what are the concepts and tools required to assist managers in specifying their organisations’ logic, how it works and how to create value for is stakeholders.
Capacity-buildingCapacity-building refers to the process of developing and strengthening the skills and abilities organisations need.
Disruptive technologyIt refers to the technologies, whose application has potential to drastically alter the processes and operations in a particular field of the public sector. Artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), natural language processing (NLP), Virtual and Augmented reality (VR, AR), big data and block chain are such examples of technologies, as they may lead to significant changes in the way services are produced and consumed both in the private and recently in the public sector.
Impact studyAn impact study is a research on how a certain action will affect other issues.
KPIsKey Performance Indicators are targets for measuring progress for one or more objectives.
Market analysisA market analysis refers to the assessment of a market´s dynamic of a specific industry.
RDT FrameworkThe Responsible Disruptive Technology Framework refers to one of the solutions developed within ETAPAS project scope, which encompasses a Code of Conduct, a Legal Assessment Framework, a RDT Risk Framework, and a RDT Indicator Framework.
Risk assessmentRisk assessment refers to the process of identifying the hazards that could impact negatively in achieving the project´s goals.
StakeholderStakeholders are individuals, groups, or organisations that are take interest or influence in decision-making processes in an organisation.
TD-ABCTime-Driven Activity Based Costing refers to a costing method that uses the time for completing the tasks in each step of a process to create a product or deliver a service.



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