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GovTech in Europe: Critical Influencing Factors for Cross-Border GovTech Practices in Europe

Published on: 25/04/2024 Last update: 31/05/2024 Event

Date and time: Thursday 16 May 14:00 – 16.00 (CEST)

High-level description: This webinar will explore the challenges and potential solutions that could improve the European Commission's policies and initiatives in support to GovTech practices in Europe. Prof. Björn Niehaves and Dr. Gerhard Klassen will present their findings from a comprehensive study on the factors influencing cross-border GovTech practices in Europe, based on over 110 interviews with GovTech leaders in Public Administrations and Start-ups that were discussed and validated in a dedicated workshop.

The objective of the event is to present the main results and outputs from the GovTech Study, namely: 

  • The Conceptual Framework underlying GovTech Practices in Europe with the identified enabling and hindering factors;
  • Policy and organisational Implications of influencing factors and common requirements characterizing GovTech practices in Europe.
  • Possible recommendations, key pre-conditions, potential measures/solutions for cross-border interoperability and re-usability requirements for GovTech Actors to support the successful implementation and scaling of innovative digital solutions, in compliance with the IOP Act and EU regulations.

The audience will have the possibility to interact and ask question to the Study Experts and Panellists - representative of Public Administrations and Start-up founders who will present their view and experiences in GovTech practices in support to public sector delivery of innovative services to citizens and businesses.  

Click here to access the highlights of the event!

Access here the rest of the webinars in the 'Innovating the EU Public Sector' Webinar Series

Webinar 2 Speakers



14:00 -14:15        Welcome and Introduction by Andrea HALMOS - DHoU Interoperability and Digital Government- DIGIT and Sven SCHADE, Lead Scientist from the Digital Economy Unit of the Joint Research Center of the EC

14:15 -14:30        Presentation of the Study results by Prof. Dr. Björn NIEHAVES, University Bremen


14:35 -14:50        Presentation of the Study results by Dr. Gerhard KLASSEN, University Bremen 


Coffee break

15:05 -15:35        Panel discussion How the identified solutions could support cross-border collaboration for the GovTech practices in your Country”: perspectives from Public Administrations and Start-ups

15:35 -15:45        Q&As from the public - Moderator Marina MANZONI from the Digital Economy Unit of the Joint Research Center of the EC

15:45                    Wrap up and next steps, EC, Co-hosts from JRC and DIGIT

Virtual location