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Member for: 15 years

Szabolcs SZEKACS


European Commission
Last update: 07/07/2021


Statistics and information
Last update: 29/11/2023


LegalReusable Software Components+3 topics
Last update: 03/04/2017

Next steps

So what’s the plan? Learn about the next steps. So far the European Catalogue is a prototype, a concept demonstrator. The first priority is to finalise the needs. The prototype proposes needs in four...
Last update: 03/04/2017


This page contains the list of standards and technical specifications in the ICT area for use in procurement. Discover here how it was developed. How does the EU Catalogue link to national catalogues...
Last update: 03/04/2017

Policy context

The European Catalogue is part of the Digital Single Market Strategy and is action 5 of the EU eGovernment action plan. How does the EU Catalogue fit the policy context? Take a look at it here. The EU...
Last update: 03/04/2017

Interoperability and vendor lock-in

Interoperability is insufficiently taken into account in public procurement. It is an external cost often ignored but which could be made part of the total lifecycle cost. It can help reduce the...
Last update: 03/04/2017


Use of standards in procurement is regulated by trade agreements and by EU legislation, but 12% of tenders do not respect rules. The European Catalogue lists standards that can be referred in...
Last update: 03/04/2017

The catalogue content

Procurement needs, best practices, experiences, standards, guidelines - what type of information does the EU Catalogue contain and how content is proposed and selected. Understand what know-how it...
Last update: 03/04/2017

Procurement needs a new approach that fits digitalisation

Procurement needs a new approach to account for the challenges and potential of digitalization to create value and new service to citizens. The European Catalogue will connect the dots for procurers...
Last update: 21/02/2017

Service level agreement

The contents included in this section are DRAFTS proposed for a public consultation and are under review. Scenario Procurement needs The cloud market represents a relatively new, yet rapidly...
Last update: 20/02/2017

Smart and efficient use of energy in buildings

The contents included in this section are DRAFTS proposed for a public consultation and are under review. Scenario Energy efficiency and policies Following Europe’s goal of reducing its CO2 emission...
Last update: 25/03/2021


The contents included in this section are DRAFTS and are under review. By using energy more efficiently, Europeans as a whole can lower their energy bills, reduce their reliance on external suppliers...