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[EU20] Directive 2009/101/EC The EU Directive 2009/101/EC is related to the protection of the interests of members and third parties, which is required by Member States to be respected by the companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 48 of the Treaty of the European Union. The current directive takes into consideration the legal background of the First Council Directive on coordination of safeguards (68/151/EEC), which was based on the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty. This directive has adopted five different chapters tackling key issues on safeguards, namely, chapter 1 about scope, chapter 2 about disclosure, chapter 3 about validity of obligations entered by the company, chapter 4 about nullity of the company, and chapter 5 about general provisions.
[BE02] Criteria from data sources to Base Registries This solution ensures reliable recognition of base registries, so that their authentic data can be used to support ‘once only’ data usage. In order to verify whether a data source fulfills all the legal requirements to be officially recognized as a base registry, a compliance verification procedure has been defined that uses a set of criteria to determine the quality, usefulness, gover­nance, security and financing of the data in this data source.
[NL04] Criteria for selecting data sources as a base registry This solution represents a guiding criteria with a number of requirements to be applied in order to select data sources to be recognised as a base registry.
[EU41] Directive 200398EC The Directive 2003/98/EC of 17 November 2003 emphasizes the re-use of public sector information in the area of the internal market. It resolves the objectives of establishment of an internal market and a system ensuring that competition on the internal market is not distorted. Harmonisation of the rules and practices in the Member States related to the exploitation of public sector information contributes to the achievement of these objectives. This directive contains the following chapters: chapter 1 on general provisions, chapter 2 on requests for re-use, chapter 3 on conditions for re-use, chapter 4 on non-discrimination and fair trading, and chapter 5 on final provisions.
[EU42] Regulation 9102014 (eIDAS Regulation) The Regulation 910/2014 of 23 July 2014 highlights the electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market It has adopted different chapters divided into sections that remark the importance of building trust in the online environment, as the key to economic and social development. The chapters are the following: chapter 1 on general provisions, chapter 2 on internal market principle, chapter 3 on trust services, chapter 4 on electronic documents, chapter 5 on delegations of power and implementing provisions and chapter 6 on final provisions.
[OS07] Guidelines to Open the Government Data This solution incorporates different recommendations on how to open the Government Data that are provided by several organisations, providing the guidelines that are interesting to check.
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