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Version 1.0.1

Metrics and characteristics

The following table shows the global data of ELIS in its version 1.0.1. The analysis of the metrics can be found in the tabs below.

Metrics/ view






Total number of ABBs 7 23 14 61 105
#ABBs in scope 6 11 14 60 91
%ABBs in scope 86% 48% 100% 98% 87%
#ABBs covered 6 11 14 60 91
%ABBs covered 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
#Spects assessed (EIF scenario) 0 0 10 26 29
%ABBs covered by an assessed spec 0% 0% 50% 47% 38%

In this graph, you can see ELIS coverage per EIRA view through ABB's percentage in scope.In this graph, you can see ELIS coverage per EIRA view through ABB's percentage in scope.


ABBs in scope are these ABBs that have been considered coverable by a specification. Meaning that CAMSS Team has done the exercise of associating one or more specifications. In this case, the % of ABB covered shows that all the ABBs considered in scope have been associated with at least one specification (See table above).


ELIS includes a total of 35 ABBs with an assessed specification associated. These 35 ABBs represent the 38% total of the ABBs covered by an assessed spec.

This graphic shows the %ABBs covered by an assessed spec per EIRA view.