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Version 5.0.0

The following table shows the global data for the current version of ELIS at the moment of its publication. The analysis of the metrics can be found in the following tabs.

It is relevant to mention that version 5.0.0 of the ELIS is based on the latest major release of EIRA (v5.0.0). Due to this aspect, the figures have decreased significantly. 

Metrics/ view






Total number of ABBs 14 39 30 175 258
#ABBs in scope 13 24 30 173 240
%ABBs in scope 93% 62% 100% 99% 93%
#ABBs covered 9 14 21 67 111
%ABBs covered 70% 59% 70% 39% 47%
#Specs per View 60 28 71 92 219*
#Specs assessed (EIF scenario) 6 9 23 32 55
#ABBs covered by an assessed spec 8 8 12 34 62
%ABBs covered by an assessed spec 89% 58% 58% 51% 56%
Assessment Score Average in EIF scenario (v5.0.0) assessments**         82%
Strength of assessment score average in EIF scenario (v5.0.0) assessments**         87%
Assessment Score Average in EIF scenario (Previous versions) assessments**          85%
Strength of assessment score average in EIF scenario (Previous versions) assessments**         83%

* This total is referring to the number of specifications contained in the ELIS, therefore, the total is different from the sum for the different views since there are specifications that are in more than one view.

** The following table represents the score range of the assessment results (%) that ensures its fit for purpose in the ELIS:

  • 0-64 Not acceptable fit for purpose
  • 65-74  Minimal acceptable fit for purpose. Candidate to be deprecated by a better alternative
  • 75-89 Strong fit for purpose
  • 90-100 Full fit for purpose

Note: Only specifications with a strength score equal or higher than 75% are considered in the ELIS

In this graph, you can see ELIS coverage per EIRA view through ABB's percentage in scope.



ABBs in scope are these ABBs that have been considered coverable by a specification. Meaning that CAMSS Team has done the exercise of associating one or more specifications. In this case, the % of ABB covered shows that all the ABBs considered in scope have been associated with at least one specification (See table above).

ELIS includes a total of 62 ABBs with an assessed specification associated. These 62 ABBs represent the 56% total of the ABBs covered by an assessed spec.

This graphic shows the %ABBs covered by an assessed spec per EIRA view.


ABBs in Scope evolution (%)

In these graphs, you can see ELIS coverage per EIRA view through ABBs percentage in scope. 

ABBs in scope are these ABBs that have been considered coverable by a specification. Meaning that CAMSS Team has done the exercise of associating one or more specifications. 

ABBs in scope
ABBs in scope May 2022
ABBs in scope April 2022


ABBs covered by assessed specifications 


The next graphic shows the %ABBs covered by an assessed spec per EIRA view.  The percentage of ABBs covered by an assessed specification per EIRA view has decreased a 13.3% between April 2022 and May 2022. It is due to the major release of EIRA. 


ABBs covered by assessed specification May 2022


ABBs covered by assessed specification April 2022