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Municipality of Biella
Local Authority
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Cityweb is a CMS aimed at managing and implementing the web site of a local Public Administration, in particular municipalities, based on version 7 of the Drupal framework.

The CMS makes it possible, through a distributed editing team, to organise and manage the content of the web site. The CMS administration interface offers integrated tools to manage menus, write texts, attach documents and multimedia elements, and the possibility to grant permits to create decentralised editing teams and manage credentials.

The content architecture follows the AgID guidelines (the Italian Digital Agency is responsible for the implementation of the objectives of the Italian Digital Agenda, in consistency with the orientations of the President of the Council of Ministers or the delegated Minister, and with the Digital Agenda), with a home page organised in homogeneous clocks of contents and a main browsing menu that represents the site division into macro sections (thematic areas, The Administration, Living the Municipality, Services, News). The front end is designed according to a responsive approach to ease the users browsing experience also in through mobile.

It is an Open Source distribution, released under GPLv3 license. It can be freely downloaded and installed on a server.

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Solution type
Public Administration

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