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EIF Implementation and Governance models

EIF implementation and governance models (former EIS Governance)     

This action has been responsible for the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and in particular these aspects: Interoperability Governance; Organisational Interoperability; Integrated Public Service Governance. Learn more.

Title: Video on organising interoperability for borderless digital public services


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Web learning
  • Learning activities: Webinar
  • Material type: Video
  • Target Audience: Specific civil servants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: The video provides an overview of the organisational and integrated public service governance aspects of interoperability. These are crucial element in the development and delivery of European digital public services. Ongoing work under the ISA² Programme is focused on clarifying and providing guidance on the implementation of these concepts.

Title: Video on recommendations for Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Web learning
  • Learning activities: Webinar
  • Material type: Video
  • Target Audience: Specific civil servants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: The video provides an overview on a study carried out by European Commision. To further support European public administrations in building interoperable public services, the European Commission carried out a study to identify and explore good practices and develop recommendations. Those recommendations and good practices guide public administrations in delivering effective and seamless digital services for their users. In this video you will discover the good practices linked to Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance.

Title: Infographics: EIF implementation


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Reading&Practice
  • Material type: Papers/Publications
  • Target Audience: Specific civil servants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: EIF Implementation Recommendations and Checklist of good practices for organising

Title: Infographics: EIF Roadmap


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Reading&Practice
  • Material type: Papers/Publications
  • Target Audience: Specific civil servants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: Roadmap for developing a new integrated public service

Title: Infographics: Interoperability Governance


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Reading&Practice
  • Material type: Papers/Publications
  • Target Audience: Specific civil servants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: EIF: Key Concepts for Organising Interoperability

Title: Workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Public Service Governance


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Basic
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Workshop
  • Material type: PPT Presentation
  • Target Audience: Specific civil cervants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: Presentation from the Conference containing: Results on Interoperability Governance; Organisational Interoperability; Integrated Public Service Governance. The aim of the workshop was to: 1) ensure the understanding and approach on the 3 concepts that are central to the study: interoperability governance, organisational interoperability, and integrated public service governance; 2) data collection: on case-studies for (European) integrated public services and the way they have set up their organisational relationships. Provide examples of common process models identify good practices for Interoperability Coordination; 3) Assess what additional information should be collected on these case studies.

Title: European Interoperability Framework


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Intermediate
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Reading&Practice
  • Material type: Papers/Publications
  • Target Audience: Specific civil cervants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) is part of the Communication (COM(2017)134) from the European Commission adopted on 23 March 2017. The framework gives specific guidance on how to set up interoperable digital public services. It offers public administrations 47 concrete recommendations on how to improve governance of their interoperability activities, establish cross-organisational relationships, streamline processes supporting end-to-end digital services, and ensure that both existing and new legislation do not compromise interoperability efforts.

Title: 2nd EIF workshop on Organisational Interoperability and Integrated Public Service Governance


Material characteristics:

  • Level of specialisation: Intermediate
  • Interaction: Self-learning
  • Learning activities: Webinar
  • Material type: PPT Presentation
  • Target Audience: Specific civil cervants
  • Teaching medium: Digital
  • Time of publication: 2016-2020 (ISA²)

Description: Final report from the Workshop that aimed to help administrations make use of these concepts in order to support the interoperability of their public services and, ultimately, improve their integrated public service provision. The overall objectives of the workshop were to gather information and exchange challenges and good practices in relation to the implementation of three concepts defined in the European Interoperability Framework: Interoperability Governance, Integrated Public Service Governance, and Organisational Interoperability. The concept of Interoperability Governance having been thoroughly analysed in previous phases, was not treated with the same depth as the other two concepts. The focus was instead mainly placed on the Integrated Public Service governance and Organisational Interoperability concepts.


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