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Best Practice 49

Best Practice 49 - Rennes Urban Data Interface (RUDI)
Country: France
Policy domain: Multiple
Level of government: Local
Process owners: Rennes Metropole

Short description: The Rennes Urban Data Interface (RUDI) is an open and inclusive metropolitan data ecosystem supported by an ERDF grant of approximately €4m through the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative. RUDI is a platform ecosystem built around a web portal to help local stakeholders cooperate around data of public interest in an open and secured environment. The project involves 12 partners, including local authorities, research organisations, NGOs and private sector organisations. There is open governance, with users and citizens involved in the design of services and the data ecosystem, shared technical assets and a federated infrastructure.

Conceived as a “data social network”, RUDI is based on the creation of a metadata catalogue and offers features directed towards individuals to enhance their knowledge of, and control over their personal data, and towards the project holders to facilitate management of data rights and the implementation of innovative economic models.

RUDI works with citizens, entrepreneurs and academics on new opportunities to identify data worth sharing and to cooperate around data to produce new services. The project provides connections between various thematic data ecosystems (e.g. mobility, waste management) and enables new data ecosystems in new domains/areas of local interest.

The UIA funded project for RUDI runs from 01/09/19 to 31/0/8/22. The workplan involves establishing the framework and governance, developing a prototype and then moving to a production version of the platform.

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (6, 8); Standardisation and Reuse (10, 11); Return on Investment (16); Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities (17, 18)


Nature of documentation: Technical report