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Best Practice 78

Best Practice 78 - Public Services On the Map (PDOK)
Country: Netherlands
Policy domain: Open geographical data
Level of government: National
Process owners: Dutch cadastre (Kadaster)

Short description: PDOK is a central distribution platform used for deploying geographical datasets (geo datasets) and making them available as web services and geographical information files. These geo datasets are supplied by government and public administrations. They are guaranteed to be up-to-date, reliable and free, with more than 275 web services currently available.  In October 2020, PDOK reached the milestone of 20 billion hits.

The web services make it possible for all users to view the geographical data on any internet browser. They are used by municipalities and other public agencies, businesses, schools and also private citizens. In this way, the Dutch government is stimulating innovation and the (re-)use of geo-information.

Recommendations: Policy and Strategy Alignment (2); Return on Investment (16); Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities (18)



Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1