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European Union Location Framework Blueprint

EULF Blueprint - version 3

Published on: 17/11/2019 Last update: 17/11/2020 Document

A newer version of the EULF Blueprint is available here.

You can also watch the EULF Blueprint introductory video and / or browse the online EULF Blueprint.


Location data is fundamental to people and organisations and is used to deliver value in combination with other data about services, contacts or objects (data from the Internet of Things). For public administrations, location intelligence will become mainstream in digital government in 2 to 5 years.

This context - growing in ambition - is further challenged by the need for interoperability supporting these services across Europe, the importance of government-authorised geospatial data (core location data) in the legal context of digital government services and the other various potential sources of geospatial data which will emerge from different sectors.

The European Union Location Framework (EULF) project, which was part of the Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations (ISA) programme took action to tackle these challenges. The EULF vision is to create and promote a coherent European framework of guidance and actions to foster cross-sector and cross-border interoperability and use of location information in digital public services, building on the INSPIRE1, and resulting in more effective services, savings in time and money, and contributing to increased growth.

The EULF Blueprint is a guidance framework for a wide audience to implement the EULF vision. It is based on an extensive EU survey and consultation with stakeholders and therefore embodies a wide range of views and experience. This updated version (v3.0), which takes on board latest developments and improves usability, has been produced by the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) project, which is part of the ISA2 programme. ELISE merges and extends the work of the two geospatial actions under ISA, namely EULF and ARE3NA, drawing together the policy-related work of EULF and the work on reusable INSPIRE solutions from ARE3NA.


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