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Video: European Union Location Framework Blueprint - EULF Blueprint

European Union Location Framework Blueprint - EULF Blueprint

Published on: 05/10/2020 Last update: 30/06/2021 Document Archived
European Union Location Framework Blueprint - EULF Blueprint

What is the EULF Blueprint?

The European Union Location Framework Blueprint is a guidance framework for using location information in policy and digital public services.

The framework is divided into five focus areas, where a 'current state' assessment and 'future state' vision are outlined and key points for achieving the vision are described through a series of recommendations. Each recommendation comprises a rationale for its inclusion, a series of action checklists, challenges to be overcome, illustrative best practices, links to related EIF recommendations and recommended further reading.

To use the guidance, either scan the focus areas that interest you or follow the paths created for specific roles and activities.

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Last update: 13/02/2024

EULF Blueprint
