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11. Balance of results

ETAPAS User Journey's step 11

Published on: 27/10/2023 Last update: 30/11/2023 Document
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The balance of results is the 11th step for the responsible use of DTs in PAs. It benefits from multiple monitoring reports for the assessment of the implementation of a DT in PAs. It is done based on leveraging the results and projecting trends for the future, in order to identify whether the solution is responding to the needs overtime and if the benefits it brings are still worthy compared to the challenges it poses.

The balance of results is to take place after 6 months, 1.5 years, and 3 years. It will provide PAs with a holistic overview of positive and negative impacts of the DT application, facilitating the re-evaluation of its strategies and mitigation plans.

At this stage, PAs should already benefit from a solid data-based report, which should be used to a new round of stakeholder engagement for the evaluation of the success of the implementation.


Roles Involved at this stageActivity to be carried outETAPAS tools that can support the activity
Process managerEnsure that the objectives are being fulfilled. 
Process coordinatorSupport the project manager in developing a global view of the implementation or fine-tuning process; Elaborate the balance of results based on the inputs from other roles. 
IELCABEnsure that all ethical, legal, and cybersecurity standards are being followed and respected. If not, they are the responsible for contacting the process manager. Code of Conduct; Legal assessment; ETAPAS Platform.
Financial or procurement advisorEnsure that the budget predefined is being carefully followed. They shall also ensure the transparency of the financial expenses to the greater public.Code of Conduct; Legal assessment; Guidelines to assess TD-ABC.
Data expertsAnalyse the data collected and translated them into clear and informative feedback for all other roles. 
Specific experts on the DT adoptedEnsure that the DT adopted is being used at its full potential; Identify risks stemming from the use of the specific DT and alert the process manager.Code of Conduct; ETAPAS Platform.
DevelopersFix any evident issues for the proper working of the DT. 
Research teamSupport the interpretability of the data collected; lead the benchmarking to support the evaluation of the success rate of the implementation of the DT. 
Transformational support advisorEnsure that public administrators understand the implications of the use of a certain DT; Provide further support through a Q&A session for public administrators.Guidelines on the capacity building of the team.
Responsible for stakeholder engagementPresent the data-based findings in an intelligible manner to stakeholders; Collect feedback from stakeholders.Guidelines for stakeholder engagement.


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