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5. Foresight on challenges and benefits of the adoption

ETAPAS User Journey's step 5

Published on: 27/10/2023 Last update: 30/11/2023 Document
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The foresight on challenges and benefits of the adoption is the 5th step for a responsible adoption of DTs in PAs.

A foresight study is an approach to make sense of the future based on the information available from the recent past and the present, which allows researchers for strategically make assumptions and decisions in an informed way. It allows foreseeing most probable impacts arising from current drivers of change.

Differently from the impact study, it does not seek to assess the feasibility of DT application in terms of ethical, legal, and social aspects, but rather in terms of the effectiveness of the adoption. In this sense the foresight study proposed under this step relies on the identification of the challenges and benefits for the adoption, in order to identify whether the balance is favourable and beneficial to society.


Roles involved at this stageActivity to be carried outETAPAS tools that can support the activity
Research teamLiterature review of challenges and benefits of the adoption of a certain DT in previous experiences. 
Specific expert of the DT adoptedAssess whether the DT has an actual possibility of responding effectively to the need. 
Financial of procurement advisorInitially assess the feasibility of the implementation plan in terms of effective resources. 
Process coordinatorEnsure that the plan and objectives underlined by the project manager are being considered and performed accordingly. 


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