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Interoperability Solutions

Solutions are key enablers to any interoperability initiative. Whether a framework, software tool, service or eLearning course, solutions provide you with the needed knowledge and building blocks to set up – or enhance – your interoperability plans. Here, we will be periodically showcasing interesting solutions so make sure you frequently visit this page.

Browse solutions by domain

Joinup hosts thousands of interoperability solutions. To make things easier for you, we have created the below categories which filter solutions based on their relevance to a given domain. You can further finetune your results by clicking on the “See more…” button.

Need help with licensing?

Solution creators often struggle with the legal aspects of their software/data when trying to identify a suitable licence. Similarly, (re)users of solutions may also feel overwhelmed when attempting to mix and match differently licensed solutions. Here we provide tools, information, and legal support to help you bypass these difficulties.

Additional licence & legal information

The Joinup platform offers a unique tool for handling open source licences. The Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA) enables copyright owners to quickly identify suitable licences for distributing their software or data, offers improved categorisation with direct links to each licence's SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) entry, allows the comparison of up to five licences, and keeps licence information always up-to-date.

Moreover, JLA's new feature -- the Compatibility Checker -- helps you verify that your "use" (or inbound) licences are compatible with your "distribute" (or outbound) licences. In case of conflicts, the Compatibility Checker will assist you in tackling the requirements imposed by the conflicting licences by identifying compatible options.

You can submit your legal-/licence-related questions to Joinup's Legal Support Expert by clicking on the “Contact Joinup Support” link, located in the footer area on every Joinup web page, and selecting in the "Category" drop-down field the value "Legal issue".

Boost interoperability with the EIF Toolbox

The National Interoperability Framework Observatory’s EIF Toolbox is a guiding tool for national public administrations attempting to align their National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). Here you can access the toolbox and its wealth of EIF-related information and solutions.