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The EIF Online Assistant is live!

A tool to help align with the European Interoperability Framework

Published on: 10/11/2022 Last update: 16/11/2022 News

The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) provides guidance to public administrations, via a set of recommendations, on how to set up interoperable digital public services.

The National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO) that designed the EIF Toolbox is now providing the EIF Online Assistant. The EIF Online Assistant offers an interactive and intuitive interface for seeking open-source digital solutions that help align with the EIF.

In the EIF Online Assistant’s interface you can choose filters to fine-tune the results of digital solutions. The filters follow EIF concepts, such as the EIF Pillars and provide tooltips when hovering over the available filters.


The filters are dynamically applied, meaning that with each filter adjustment the results that appear below in the EIF Online Assistant will be tuned accordingly.


The content within each result shows  the following key information:

  1. The EIF Pillars.
  2. The selected EIF Pillars’ filters, that clearly show which filters apply to each solution.  
  3. The digital solutions’ title, short description, owner information, logo/image, and links to access directly the solution and its EIF Perspective information page (see screenshot below).


Now, the EIF Online Assistant contains 52 Joinup solutions, and this is only the beginning. More interoperability solutions will be added as we move forwards. We are counting on your help, too! If you know of any solution that could be a great addition to our tool, then please reach out to us.

Keep visiting the EIF Online Assistant’s page to find out about easily-discoverable, EIF-related, interoperable solutions and resources that will move you closer to an EIF alignment!



Already using the EIF Online Assistant? Share your feedback and help us improve your experience.


Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ
Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ Thu, 02/03/2023 - 09:33

The Assistant "Conceptual Model" column includes Open data and not Open source.
These concepts are different and based on different regulations!

Knowing the specific place of Open source in the EIF (in particular Recommendation 3) and in the Interoperable Europe Act proposed in November 2022, I suggest adding Open source in the Conceptual Model column.