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EIF Community

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Do you have any questions, doubts or comments regarding the EIF itself, its components, recommendations or any other EIF-related topic? Start a discussion and share your views with the community members. Also, check-out the published discussions below and contribute!

ℹ NOTE: To start or comment on a discussion item you need to have an account on Joinup and be signed in. For more information read this FAQ entry. If you have any other question, Contact us!

Add resources to the EIF Toolbox ( blue rectangle)

Do you know good practices or solutions that implement the EIF Recommendations? Share them with the community by clicking on the button above!

Add your solution in the toolbox via our online form by clicking on the 'Add a good practice or a solution' button!

Then follow these steps:

  1. Create a solution on Joinup by following this How-To article;
  2. Click on the 'the 'Add good practice or solution' button above and add your solution in the toolbox.