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EIF Solutions

The EIF Solutions page counts with an online assistant that helps users to find operational solutions covering the alignment and implementation of the European Interoperability Framework and filter them by attributes.

Step 1 - Choose one or combine multiple filters to find solutions that match specifically your EIF requirements

Step 2 - Explore operational solutions that help align to the European Interoperability Framework

Solution category
69 matching solutions found
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Semantic assets

Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)

The Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) is a specification used to describe reusable solutions, such as data models and specifications, reference data, and open source software. It was created with the help of a working group of experts. On 1 August 2013, W3C published ADMS as a W3C Working Group note.

Solution's owner: European Union
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Security and privacy
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common services

Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)

The BDTI is a ready-to-use, free of charge, analytics cloud stack for the public sector offered to all European public administrations to experiment with open-source tools and foster the re-use of public sector data for a data-informed public sector.

Solution's owner: European Commission - DIGIT
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Base registries, Open data
Solution category
Common frameworks


The Registry of Registers is a solution dedicated to an application profile of DCAT-AP for base registries, namely, BRegDCAT-AP, aiming to provide a standard data model / specification for base registries access and interconnection.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Transparency, Reusability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance
Conceptual model
External information sources and services
Solution category
Catalogue of open standards and specifications, Common frameworks, Assessment tools, Common services

CAMSS Assessment Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP) Scenario

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG Informatics) - DEP Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Legal interoperability
Solution category
Assessment tools


The CAMSS Tools are the assessment tools provided by the CAMSS Team. They are publicly available and support the fulfilment of assessments of standards and technical specifications and standard setting/developing organisations.

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common frameworks, Assessment tools

CAMSS Assessment EIF Scenario

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG Informatics) - DEP Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Semantic assets

CAMSS Ontology (Deprecated)

The CAMSS Ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within the CAMSS domain and the axioms connecting its concepts and allowing for logic inferences.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Legal interoperability
Solution category
Assessment tools

CAMSS-as-a-Service (CAMSSaaS)

CAMSS-as-a-Service, provides a service which aim is the assessment of standards and specifications on demand through the use of CAMSS Tools. The author of the assessments is the CAMSS Team.

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Legal interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Catalogues
Solution category
Generic tools

Cartography Tool

The Cartography Tool (CarTool©) brings together high-level support for the EIRA© as a plug-in for the popular ArchiMate® modelling tool Archi®. It includes both editing features, to model solutions using the EIRA©, and querying functionalities to query an EIRA©-based Cartography of solutions. CAMSS Team.

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Administrative simplification, Preservation of information
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common services

CEF eArchiving

 eArchiving provides the core specifications, software, training, and knowledge to help data creators, software developers, and digital archives tackle the challenge of short, medium, and long-term data management and reuse in a sustainable, authentic, cost-efficient, manageable, and interoperable way.

eArchiving technical specifications are ideal for migrating long-term valuable data between generations of information systems, transferring data to dedicated long-term repositories (i.e. digital archives), or preserving and reusing data over extended (and shorter) periods of time and generations of software systems.

Solution's owner: CEF Digital
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common services

CEF Context Broker

CEF Context Broker is an API that can integrate data from multiple systems, creating a holistic view of information.

By providing the layer that describes each type of data, the Context Broker makes it possible to create an interface that makes it easy for anyone to view and interpret big data. Using the Context Broker, organisations can monitor their metrics in real time through live updates. You can share the context information you choose with third parties, enabling process improvements and innovation across the whole data value chain.

Solution's owner: FIWARE
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Security and privacy, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Internal information sources and services
Solution category
Generic tools, Common services

CIRCABC (Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens)

CIRCABC (Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens) is an open-source, web-based application which enables geographically spread collaborative groups to share information and resources in private workspaces.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, User centricity, Administrative simplification
Solution category
Generic tools

CISE node

The CISE Node manages the communication protocol among participants, including the security, access control to the information and the reliability aspects. The CISE Node is a common block for all the partners connected to the network, but the management is not centralised. It uses the CISE Data and Service Models to ensure technical and semantic interoperability among the CISE stakeholders.

Solution's owner: European Maritime Safety Agency
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Security and privacy, Preservation of information
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Semantic assets, Common frameworks

CISE Data Models

The use of CISE specifications and data models, helps to ensure that public administrations are taking into account relevant EU recommendations on standards and specifications in the maritime domain and are seeking to make the approach consistent across borders.

Solution's owner: European Maritime Safety Agency
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Assessment tools

CloudEvents validation service

A service to validate JSON events against the JSON representation of the CloudEvents specification. The CloudEvents specification offers a common structure and metadata for events that are published in event-driven systems (primarily cloud-native). The validation service allows validation against the specification's versions and additional checks against user-provided JSON schemas to check business rules specific to a given project's events.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Solution category
Semantic assets

Core Assessment Vocabulary (CAV)

The Core Assessment Vocabulary represents and defines what an “Assessment” of “assets” is and how to perform the assessment based on “Criteria”. It is a domain-agnostic vocabulary, meaning that it can be used to assess any type of assets.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Solution category
Semantic assets

Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary (CSSV)

Τhe CSSV is the vocabulary used for the information exchange related to standards and specifications amongst software solutions, as well as, it is the key element for the development of the new release of the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications (ELIS). 

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Semantic assets

Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile

The Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile is a data model that has been developed in the context of a Working Group for describing public services

The main focus of the CPSV-AP version 1.00 was the description of public services and business events on the Points of Single Contact which each Member State had to implement in the context of the Services Directive (2006/123/EC). 

Solution's owner: European Commission - DG DIGIT - ISA Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Security and privacy
Solution category
Generic tools, Common services

Crypto Tool for the European Parliament Elections and for the European Citizens' Initiative

The European Parliament Crypto tool Software offers an open source software that enables to exchange files different parties in a secure manner.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Generic tools, Assessment tools, Common services

CSV validator

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data, Catalogues
Solution category
Semantic assets

DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe

The DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) is a specification based on the Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) developed by W3C. This application profile is a specification for metadata records to meet the specific application needs of data portals in Europe while providing semantic interoperability with other applications on the basis of reuse of established controlled vocabularies (e.g. EuroVoc) and mappings to existing metadata vocabularies.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Security and privacy
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Catalogue of open standards and specifications, Common frameworks

EU Digital Identity Wallet

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Conceptual model
Solution category
Generic tools, Common services

ECI Online Collection Software (OCS)

In the context of European Citizens' Initiatives (ECI), the Online Collection software (OCS) is a tool for online data collection. OCS enables citizens to support a given initiative and organizers to manage its operations. The tool also streamlines both data collection and its verification by the National Authorities.

OCS respects the Regulation (EU) No 211/2011 and Regulation (EU) No 1179/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Within ISA action 1.12, the European Commission contributes to its development with the aim to provide a generic tool available to all initiative organizers. OCS is made available under a EUPL license.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Security and privacy, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Security and privacy
Solution category
Common services


The eDelivery Building Block helps public administrations to exchange data and documents via AS4 Access Points, based on the AS4 messaging protocol. This allows different parties to exchange electronic data and documents across sectors and borders through a secure eDelivery message exchange network. By connecting to an AS4 Access Point, a public administration can exchange electronic data and documents with any organisation connected to another Access Point in the network. The eDelivery Building Block also helps upgrade existing solutions so they can connect to eDelivery messaging networks through an Access Point.

Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Inclusion and accessibility, Security and privacy, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Internal information sources and services, Base registries, Security and privacy
Solution category
Common services


The eID Building Block allows public administrations and private service providers to easily extend the use of their online services to citizens from other Member States, in line with the eIDAS Regulation. 

Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common services


The CEF eInvoicing Building Block aims to promote the successful uptake of electronic invoicing in Europe, respecting the European standard on electronic invoicing and Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement.

This is relevant for both public and private entities established in the EU, as well as in participating EEA countries. 

Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Inclusion and accessibility, Security and privacy, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Base registries, Open data, Catalogues, Security and privacy
Solution category
Common frameworks


The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA©) is an architecture content metamodel defining the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable e-Government systems. The EIRA© provides a common terminology that can be used by people working for public administrations in various architecture and system development tasks. The EIRA© was created and is being maintained in the context of Action 2016.32 of the ISA² Programme. The EIRA uses (and extends) the ArchiMate language as a modeling notation and uses service orientation as an architectural style. 

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG Informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common frameworks, Assessment tools

ELAP Validator

Solution's owner: European Commission - Unit Interoperability and Digital Government
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common frameworks, Common services


The European Library of Architecture Principles (ELAP) is intended to direct government organizations in initiating changes and implementing IT projects. Particularly when designing new or modified services, it is necessary to make visible how the principles are implemented and which considerations are made in this regard. The apply-or-explain principle applies here, whereby deviations are permitted provided that they are substantiated and recorded with good arguments so that they can be revisited at a later stage. This prevents important matters from being overlooked.

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

ELI ontology

The European Legislation Identifier (ELI) is a framework to make legislation metadata available online in a standardised format, so that it can be accessed, exchanged and reused across borders. For general information about ELI (governance, tools and news), and the implementation status of ELI by various stakeholders (in particular, the way ELI is implemented by the Office of Publications on Eur- Lex), please consult the ELI Register on Eur-Lex.

Solution's owner: ELI Taskforce
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

ELI XML serialisation

ELI/XML is an encoding of ELI metadata in an XML schema (XSD). It can be used standalone or imported into other XML documents, typically in a metadata header. The ELI/XML schema is provided with a set of XML transformations to generate ELI in RDF/XML, RDFa header or HTML+RDFa. It is meant to facilitate the integration of ELI in XML-based document workflows.

Solution's owner: Publications Office of the EU
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

ELI annotation tool

The ELI annotation tool is a tool for building notices describing legal resources using the European Legislation Identifier (ELI) standard.

The notices describe several standard legal entities (legal resources, legal expressions and formats) using standard properties. The values of some of these properties are constrained using controlled vocabularies described with the SKOS standard).

Solution's owner: Publications Office of the EU ELI Taskforce
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

ELI Validator

This is a SHACL-based ELI validator. It generates validation reports to verify that ELI metadata is published correctly according to the ELI ontology.

Solution's owner: Publications Office of the EU
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Reusability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common frameworks


The EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications is a library containing the standards and specifications defining the interoperability requirements of the architectural building blocks (ABBs) contained in the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA). The aim of this library is to support solutions architects when modeling using EIRA.

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG informatics) - ISA² Programme
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Inclusion and accessibility, Security and privacy, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Security and privacy
Solution category
Common services


The CEF eSignature Building Block allows public administrations, businesses, and citizens to electronically sign any document, anywhere in Europe, at any time, in line with the eIDAS Regulation for e-signatures, e-seals and related services offered by Trust Service Providers.

Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Common services


The CEF eTranslation Building Block is a machine translation tool that helps public administrations and businesses exchange information and documents across all official EU languages, Icelandic and Norwegian. 

Public administrations, citizens and businesses in the EU will thus be able to benefit from digital services in the language of their choice. 

Solution's owner: CEF Digital
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Security and privacy, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Legal interoperability, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Internal information sources and services, Base registries, Open data, External information sources and services, Security and privacy
Solution category
Common frameworks

EULF Blueprint

The European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint is a framework of recommendations and related guidance for publishing and using location information and applying interoperability principles in digital government. The EULF Blueprint was initially developed through the EULF project in the ISA programme. The content has been updated extensively through the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) project, which is part of the ISA2 programme. 

Solution's owner: European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

The European Union Public Licence is a unique and open source licence created by the European Commission that is available in 23 official EU languages and can be used by anyone.

The purpose of EUPL is to encourage public administrations, starting with the EU institutions themselves, to embrace the free and open source model. It is legally consistent with the copyright law of all EU Member States, and supports other popular open source licences. It is especially well-suited for public administrations and interoperability tools shared on Joinup.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Reusability
Interoperability layers
Integrated public service governance, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common frameworks

European Interoperability Cartography (EIC)

The European Interoperability Cartography (EIC), as defined by the Decision (EU) 2015/2240 is a “repository of interoperability solutions for European public administrations provided by Union institutions and Member States, presented in a common format and complying with specific re-usability and interoperability criteria that can be represented on the EIRA”. The Decision (EU) 2015/2240 further states that “interoperability solutions and updates shall, where appropriate, be included in the EIC and be made available for re-use by European public administrations”.

Solution's owner: European Commission - ISA Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations DG Informatics (DIGIT)
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common services

European Single Procurement Document

European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a self-declaration of the businesses' financial status, abilities and suitability for a public procurement procedure. It is available in all EU languages and used as a preliminary evidence of fulfilment of the conditions required in public procurement procedures across the EU. Thanks to the ESPD, the tenderers no longer have to provide full documentary evidence and different forms previously used in the EU procurement, which means a significant simplification of access to cross-border tendering opportunities. From October 2018 onwards the ESPD shall be provided exclusively in an electronic form.

Solution's owner: European Commission - ISA office
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, User centricity, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common frameworks


 EUSurvey, the new version of IPM, is a multilingual online survey management system built for the creation and publication of surveys and public consultations.

It covers all steps of a survey life cycle, from the design to the launch of the survey to the analysis and publication of results. It offers different types of questions, from simple text and multiple-choice questions to spreadsheet questions or multi-media survey elements. Results can be displayed as histograms, percentages or in full detail and can be exported to different formats and published automatically on a dedicated webpage within the application. It is widely accessible and provides support for either identification or anonymity, depending on survey requirements.  

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Assessment tools

GeoJSON validation service

A service to validate JSON objects against the GeoJSON specification. The GeoJSON specification provides a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures in JSON. This service allows validation against any of the specification's types, allowing also additional checks against user-provided JSON schemas to check business rules for project-specific extensions.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Technological neutrality and data portability, Security and privacy
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Assessment tools

Governance Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

Not only can GIQAT be used to assess the interoperability of any public service – from open data portals, and e-voting platforms, to public procurement services, and much more – it is applicable to services at all levels of government (international, national, regional, and local).

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Assessment tools

GraphQL validation service

An online service to validate GraphQL queries against their target schemas. The validator is based on the GraphQL reference implementation and expects as input the query to validate as well as the schema to validate against. Both can be provided directly or as remote URI references, with the schema also being able to be pre-configured to provide a fixed validator for a specific project’s API.

Solution's owner: European Commission / DG Informatics (DIGIT) - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA²)
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

ICT Impact Assessment Guidelines | Practical tools and guidelines for assessing ICT implications

The ICT Impact Assessment Guidelines provide practical tools and templates for assessing, both in qualitative and quantitative terms, the ICT impacts of new Commission initiatives undergoing an IA. ICT impacts are the consequences a specific Commission initiative can have in relation to the use of ICT for the implementation of EU policies. This may entail the development of new ICT solutions or the adaptation of existing ones.

Solution's owner: Zsofia Sziranyi
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Inclusion and accessibility, Security and privacy, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification, Preservation of information
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Legal interoperability, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Internal information sources and services, Catalogues, Security and privacy
Solution category
Assessment tools


IMAPS is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

Not only can IMAPS be used to assess the interoperability of any public service – from open data portals, and e-voting platforms, to public procurement services, and much more – it is applicable to services at all levels of government (international, national, regional, and local).

The current version of IMAPS (IMAPS v2.2.0) is available at the EU survey portal

The release is composed of the following elements:

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Technological neutrality and data portability, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Solution category
Assessment tools

INSPIRE Reference Validator

The INSPIRE reference validator solution is the tool used by EU Member States data providers to validate their resources (metadata, data sets, and services) against the requirements set by the INSPIRE Directive.

It is also a key tool for INSPIRE coordinators, both at the national and European level, to monitor the progress of INSPIRE implementation, and for software providers to make sure their solutions are aligned with INSPIRE requirements.

Solution's owner: Joint Research Centre
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Integrated public service governance
Solution category
Common services, Common frameworks

Integrated public service governance (IPSG)

The study summarises the work done over the course of this project and presents the main outcomes and findings. It aims to provide guidance and recommendations to public administrations developing and operating integrated public services on how to approach organisational and governance issues related to the development of these services.

Solution's owner: European Commission - DIGIT
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, User centricity, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Internal information sources and services, Open data
Solution category
Common services, Generic tools, Assessment tools

Interoperability Test Bed

The Interoperability Test Bed is a service offered by the European Commission’s DIGIT to facilitate the conformance testing of IT systems. The Test Bed is itself a software system that can be both downloaded and installed locally, but also reused through a shared online installation operated by DIGIT. It offers an intuitive web user interface that allows administrators to define their project’s overall testing setup as well as users to connect and run tests.

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Conceptual model
Catalogues, External information sources and services
Solution category
Common services, Generic tools

Joinup source code

This is the source code for Joinup ( Joinup is a collaborative platform created by the European Commission and funded by the European Union via the Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses, and citizens (ISA²) Programme.

It offers several services that aim to help e-Government professionals share their experience with each other. We also hope to support them to find, choose, re-use, develop and implement interoperability solutions.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common services, Generic tools, Assessment tools

JSON validator

A reusable web application providing APIs for the validation of JSON content using JSON Schema. Specific validators can be constructed from this component in a configuration-driven approach, and be hosted by DIGIT as-a-service or ran on-premise. The validator may be used in a standalone manner or as a validation building block in more elaborate conformance test scenarios.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Legal interoperability tools

LEOS - Open Source software for editing legislation

LEOS is designed to help those involved in draſting legislation, which is usually part of a complex process, by facilitating efficient online collaboration. Comments, suggestions, version control, co-edition, everything is there. Regarding the structure, that is where we aim to be as restrictive as possible and this is not because we are conservative, but because this helps the draſters follow the rules and avoid mistakes. Content is stored in an XML format, currently Akoma Ntoso V3.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common frameworks

LIFO - Location Interoperability Framework Observatory

Solution's owner: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Security and privacy, Administrative simplification, Preservation of information
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data, Catalogues, Security and privacy
Solution category
Assessment tools


This is the version 1.2.0 of the Legal Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service (LIMAPS) survey. This version of the LIMAPS Survey has been released on the 30 November 2022 on Joinup.

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key legal interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

The current version of LIMAPS (LIMAPS v1.2.0) is available at the EU survey portal

The release is composed of the following elements:

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Transparency, Reusability, User centricity, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Organisational interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Assessment tools


This is version 1.2.0 of the Organisational Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service (OIMAPS) survey. This version of the OIMAPS Survey has been released on 30 November 2022 on Joinup.

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key organisational interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

The current version of OIMAPS (OIMAPS v1.2.0) is available at the EU survey portal.

The release is composed of the following elements:

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Transparency, Reusability, User centricity, Security and privacy, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Integrated public service governance, Organisational interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Common frameworks

PM² Project Management Methodology Guide

PM² is a project management methodology developed by the European Commission and open to all.

Its purpose is to enable project managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their projects.

It has been created with the needs of European Union Institutions and projects in mind, but is transferrable to projects in any organisation.

Solution's owner: Methodologies Office
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Reusability, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Solution category
Generic tools, Semantic assets

Public Multilingual Knowledge Management Infrastructure (PMKI) platform

PMKI is a ISA2 pilot project aiming to:

  • Create a proof-of-concept knowledge management infrastructure for language resources 
  • Provide harmonization of their technical formats
  • Align concepts of different resources to facilitate interoperability and extensions
  • Set-up of a community and a governance structure allowing the integration of multilingual taxonomies/terminologies
  • PMKI platform may represent a "one-stop-shop" language resources repository at European level.
Solution's owner: Publications Office of the EU
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Open data
Solution category
Common services, Generic tools, Assessment tools

RDF validator

A reusable web application providing APIs for the validation of RDF content using SHACL shapes. Specific validators can be constructed from this component in a configuration-driven approach, and be hosted by DIGIT as-a-service or ran on-premise. The validator may be used in a standalone manner or as a validation building block in more elaborate conformance test scenarios.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Multilingualism, Administrative simplification, Preservation of information
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Base registries
Solution category
Generic tools


Re3gistry provides a central access point that allows labels and descriptions for reference codes to be easily looked up by humans, or retrieved by machines. It supports organisations in managing and updating reference codes in a consistent way, so that all versions of a code remain traceable and properly documented, and do not change or disappear over time.

Solution's owner: European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Administrative simplification
Solution category
Common services, Semantic assets

Service Model

The CISE Network is a complex open computer network interfacing several EU countries, specifically, in the maritime data context. This network connects CISE nodes and legacy systems thought a special component called "The CISE Adaptor".

This document is a guideline to the CISE Service Model and to the software development of the CISE Adaptors. The intention is to provide a complete, precise and quick start documentation to be used fundamentally as a reference guide by the CISE Software Developers community of the EU Member States. Specifically, the objective is to make more easy the development, test, implementation and validation of CISE Adaptors.

Solution's owner: European Maritime Safety Agency
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Model, Open data
Solution category
Assessment tools

SHACL shape validation service

A service to validate SHACL shapes used to drive validation for RDF specifications. This service represents a key quality-control step to ensure that a specification's published shapes and the conformance testing based on them is built over strong foundations.

Solution's owner: European Commission / DG Informatics (DIGIT) - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA²)
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Organisational interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Common frameworks

The Sharing and Reuse Framework for IT Solutions (SRF)

Developed in the context of European Union ISA programme, the Sharing and Reuse Framework for IT Solutions addresses EU, national, regional and local public administrations that aim at reducing costs, increasing their efficiency and fostering interoperability by reusing, sharing or jointly developing IT solutions that meet common requirements. 

Solution's owner: European Commission - DIGIT
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Base registries, Catalogues
Solution category
Assessment tools


This is version 1.3.0 of the Semantic Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service (SIMAPS) survey.

This version of the SIMAPS survey has been released on the 30 November 2022 on Joinup.

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key semantic interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

The current version of SIMAPS (SIMAPS v1.3.0) is available at the EU survey portal

The release is composed of the following elements:

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Security and privacy, Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
Interoperability layers
Legal interoperability, Organisational interoperability, Semantic interoperability, Technical interoperability
Solution category
Assessment tools

Structural Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

Not only can SIQAT be used to assess the interoperability of any public service – from Open Data portals, and e-voting platforms, to public procurement services, and much more – it is applicable to services at all levels of government (international, national, regional, and local).

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Assessment tools

Table Schema validation service

Online service to validate JSON content against the Table Schema specification. Table Schema is a means of formalising the fields used in CSV content (and other tabular text formats) by focusing on fields' data types, patterns, and constraints. It is a part of the Frictionless Specifications, a family of related and complementary specifications that aim to formalise exchanges of tabular data, and facilitate the definition of validation libraries, tooling support, and data automation processes.

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability
Interoperability layers
Interoperability governance
Conceptual model
External information sources and services
Solution category
Common frameworks

TES Cartography

TES stands for Trans-European Solutions. A Trans-European solution is an operational Interoperable European Solution (IES) owned by the European Commission or other bodies (in some cases co-funded by MSs) in support of the implementation and advancement of EU policies. An Interoperable European Solution (IES) is an ICT interoperability solution, developed or used by Public Administrations that facilitates the delivery of electronic Public Services by supporting business capabilities involving the cross-border exchange of information between Public Administrations and Public Administrations (or Citizens or Businesses) in support to the implementation and advancement of EU, national or local Public Policies.

TES cartography means a repository of Trans-European interoperability solutions for European public administrations provided by European Union institutions, presented in a common format and modeled using the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)[1].

Solution's owner: European Commission
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Subsidiarity and proportionality, Transparency, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Inclusion and accessibility, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Technical interoperability
Conceptual model
Base registries, Catalogues, Security and privacy
Solution category
Assessment tools


This is the version 1.2.0 of the Technical Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service (TIMAPS) survey.

This version of the TIMAPS survey has been released on the 30 November 2022 on Joinup.

It is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key technical interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

The current version of TIMAPS (TIMAPS v1.2.0) is available at the EU survey portal

The release is composed of the following elements:

Solution's owner: DIGIT, Interoperable Europe Initiative
Attributes matching the EIF
Underlying principle
Openness, Reusability, Technological neutrality and data portability, User centricity, Multilingualism
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Open data
Solution category
Semantic assets


 VocBench provides a solution to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by your public administration to support interoperability.

Solution's owner: Publications Office of the European Union
Attributes matching the EIF
Interoperability layers
Semantic interoperability
Conceptual model
Solution category
Common services, Generic tools, Assessment tools

XML validator

A reusable web application providing APIs for the validation of XML content using XML Schema and Schematron. Specific validators can be constructed from this component in a configuration-driven approach, and be hosted by DIGIT as-a-service or ran on-premise. The validator may be used in a standalone manner or as a validation building block in more elaborate conformance test scenarios.

Solution's owner: European Commission / DG Informatics (DIGIT) - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA²)