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CoS - Tools


To facilitate the creation, validation, harvest and exchange of public service descriptions, 4 different tools have been developed by the Catalogue of Services Action as open source proof-of-concepts. Please note that there is functional and technical documentation for each tool also available on GitHub. 

You will find below the list of tools provided by the Catalogue of Services Action.

All the tools mentioned below, except for the CPSV-AP validator, have been archived. This means that they are no longer actively maintained by SEMIC. They are, however, still available for use at own risk.



[This tool is archived. This means that the tool is no longer actively maintained by SEMIC, but still available for use at own risk.]


The CPSV-AP Public Service Description Editor (or shortened version ‘The CPSV-AP Description Editor’) is a content management system that allows public administrations to create and manage CPSV-AP descriptions of public services. It is able to import public services directly from the CPSV-AP Harvester.

Furthermore, the CPSV-AP Description Editor allows  public administrations to visualise the descriptions in a way that is both readable by humans and can be exported in multiple interoperable, machine-readable formats that conform to the CPSV-AP.




The CPSV-AP Description editor has the following four functionalities:

  1. Create public service descriptions ;
  2. Browse and filter public services ;
  3. Import public service descriptions ; and
  4. Export public service descriptions.

Create public service descriptions

As a primary objective, the Description Editor is able to offer a description to describe a particular service. 

Browse and filter public services

The tool has the functionality to browse for public services and filter based on different criteria such as language, title, description, keywords, ... shown in the figure below.

Import public service descriptions

The CPSV-AP Description Editor has the functionality to import data from the CPSV-AP Harvester. This latter tool harvests public services data which is CPSV-AP compliant from different sources to a central database. More information on this tool can be found here. The Description Editor fetches this data by contacting the API of the Harvester. The importing module, shown in the figure below, is currently available for authenticated users. 

Export public service descriptions 

The CPSV-AP Description Editor has the functionality to export all or part of the content and, supports multiple data formats, e.g. RDF/XML, Turtle, XHTML+RDFa, .. 


Technical documentation

This section provides the technical details of the CPSV-AP Description Editor. The image below provides a simplified overview of how the tool works.



The tool consists of the following parts:

Furthermore, the tool is connected to the CPSV-AP Harvester by contacting its API and importing public service descriptions.



Web server

The quickest and easiest to use the CPSV-AP Description Editor is by accessing the deployed test implementation of the Public Service Description Editor on the Amazon Web Server. It can be found here.

The attached Virtuoso Triple store can be queried by authenticated users at the following link using Chrome or Internet Explorer here.

Please note that the web server is for testing purposes only.


Local deployment

A second option is local deployment. The code for the Public Service Description Editor is available on GitHub here

To deploy the Public Service Description Editor locally, the administration will require PHP and Drupal environments installed on their webserver. The PHP version used is 7.4.3; the Drupal version is 7.42. Finally, a Virtuoso Triple store is needed to store the data created by the users.



The CPSV-AP Description Editor can be easily adapted to include new functionalities or make changes to the CPSV-AP. In addition, although the editor is designed for the CPSV-AP, it can be adapted to reflect any data model, as the administrator can freely add or remove classes and properties. RDF mappings for these classes can be assigned and existing mappings changed. Additionally, the configuration of the import and export need to be changed based on the changes to the data model. For example, the Public Service Description Editor has been successfully adapted to the Dutch national data model, ‘Samenwerkende Catalogi’. More information on this can be found on the technical pilots page


A test implementation of the Description Editor can be found here.

  1. Create a public service description
  2. Edit and remove a public service description
  3. Browse and filter public service descriptions
  4. Visualise the public service descriptions
  5. Import public service descriptions from the CPSV-AP Harvester
  6. Export public service descriptions to multiple data formats 
  • Drupal 7: the content management system that the CPSV-AP Public Service Description Editor uses to create and manage descriptions;
  • PHP: the programming language;
  • MySQL database: i.e. the database of the Drupal installation;
  • Virtuoso Triple store: the triple store where all the descriptions are stored, and
  • SPARQL endpoint: Endpoint to query the triple store by using the SPARQL query language.


Click here for technical documentation about this tool

[This tool is archived. This means that the tool is no longer actively maintained by SEMIC, but still available for use at own risk.]


The CPSV-AP Harvester allows public administrations to obtain the data faster and more efficiently, easing creation of an integrated view on public services and all related content, provided within a specific country or region. By using the CPSV-AP Harvester, public administrations can automatically update public service descriptions owned by different competent authorities on multiple levels of administration (national, regional, local) within a central catalogue.



The CPSV-AP Harvester has the following three functionalities:

  1. Harvest public service descriptions,
  2. Visualise the harvested public service descriptions, and 
  3. Expose the public service descriptions through an API.


The test implementation of the CPSV-AP Harvester allows the user to harvest machine-readable files described in RDF/XML, RDF Turtle, N-triples or a spreadsheet (converted as JSON-LD) while storing the data in its own triple store. A prerequisite is that the data is CPSV-AP compliant. 

The CPSV-AP Harvester webpage acts as the user interface; this needs to be configured by an administrator, pointing the Harvester to the correct database or URI to harvest the public service descriptions.


The CPSV-AP Harvester gives the user the possibility to browse through all the harvested data in a single place, see below a figure with sample data.

Expose through API

The CPSV-AP Harvester has the functionality to expose its public service descriptions through an API for external applications.  Because of this functionality, the CPSV-AP Description Editor is able to extract the public service descriptions from this API. 

By connecting the CPSV-AP Harvester and Description editor, the whole lifecycle of managing public services is covered: from harvesting the different data sources until editing the public services centralised.


Technical Documentation

This section provides the technical details of the CPSV-AP Harvester Tool.

The Harvester works as a script. Its main functionality is processing the different sources indicated in a configuration file, gathering the available data and storing it in a central triple store. Note that the data source needs to be configured to permit access to the Harvester.

The figure below provides a simplified schema on how the CPSV-AP Description Harvester tool works. 

As can be seen, the technical architecture consists of:

  • A configuration file, to indicate the configuration data;
  • A website for the user interface, to launch the harvesting and visualise the data,
  • A Virtuoso triple store, to provide a database to store the information harvested, and
  • An API, to provide external applications with the harvested public service descriptions. Here the example is given for the CPSV-AP Description Editor. 



Web server

The quickest and easiest way to use the tool is by accessing the deployed test implementation of the CPSV-AP Data Harvester on the Amazon Web Server. This can be accessed here.

Please note that the web server is for testing purposes only.


Local deployment

The code of the test implementation of the CPSV-AP harvester is available on GitHub here.



The test implementation of the CPSV-AP Harvester can be easily adapted by updating the JavaScript file and/or the HTML webpage.

To add new functionalities, the programmer has to update the JavaScript file to include new actions. In addition, they may have to modify the HTML page, if required. The validation, import, and export functionalities also need to be taken into account when adapting the tool.

When implementing new functionalities related to the triple store, the user will also have to create the corresponding PHP and python files to execute the queries needed, place them under the “pages” folder and invoke the PHP from the JavaScript.


Click here for technical documentation about this tool.

Other tools

The tools below are archived and therefore not directly accessible in our test environment. Nevertheless, if you are interested in receiving some support, please contact us.

For mapping activities, we can directly support you through tailored services.

[This tool is archived. This means that the tool is no longer actively maintained by SEMIC, but still available for use at own risk.]


The Public Service Description Creator is a web form where public administrations can create CPSV-AP descriptions of public services in a fashion that is user-friendly and intuitive. The tool also allows the administrations to export their descriptions in an interoperable, machine-readable format that conforms to the CPSV-AP. These descriptions can subsequently be re-imported to make further updates or changes.

The implemented use cases are as follow:

  • Create a public service description
  • Export a public service description
  • Import a public service description
  • Edit a public service description


Technical documentation

This section focuses on the technical details of the test implementation of the CPSV-AP Public Service Description Creator. The image below provides a simplified view of how the tool functions. The Public Service Description Creator generates a webform and the corresponding RDF transformation based on a template provided by the user/administrator. The tool exports two formats of the public service description, one machine-readable format aligned with the CPSV-AP and one format specific to the Public Service Description Creator, used for re-import.

As can be seen, the tool consists of the following elements:

  • User interface: The user interface of the CPSV-AP Public Service Description Creator consists of HTML pages.
  • RDForms: JavaScript library that provides a way to describe how the editor and presentation views of RDF should look via a template.
  • Data model template: The template that RDForms uses to generate the web form.

More information on the technical architecture can be found here.



Web server

The quickest and easiest way to use the Public Service Description Creator is to use the deployed test implementation on the Amazon Web Server. This can be accessed here.

Please note that the web server is for testing purposes only.


Local deployment

A second option is local deployment. The code for the Public Service Description Creator is available on GitHub here:

The GitHub repository contains an install.bat file, which automatically installs all the required dependencies. Detailed installation instructions can be found on the GitHub page or in the Readme-file.

For detailed steps for deployment and configuration, please refer to our guide, which can be downloaded here.



Since the input form of the Public Service Description Creator is generated via RDForms from a template, it is simple to adapt. In order to change the input form and the machine-readable export, only the template needs to be adapted to reflect another data model. The input form and corresponding RDF transformation will update automatically depending on this template.

An example of the template is shown above, reflecting the CPSV-AP 2.0.


Click here for technical documentation about this tool.

[This tool is archived. This means that the tool is no longer actively maintained by SEMIC, but still available for use at own risk.]


The CPSV-AP Mapping Editor allows European public administrations to create mappings for harmonising the different data models used to describe public services, either within a country or across borders; this can be the CPSV-AP or any other data model. The tool can be seen in the image below. 

mapping tool

The tool can also visualise the mappings and export them in a machine-readable format. The Mapping Editor is key for the interoperable and (semi-)automatic exchange of information. Without mapping different data models, the exchange - and particularly the integration - of information on business events and public service descriptions would not be feasible.

The implemented use cases are as follow:

  1. Mapping a data model
  2. Adding/Editing/Removing metadata manually
  3. Visualising saved mappings
  4. Exporting mappings
  5. Importing data models to map to
  6. Importing mapped relations
  7. Generating executable transformation files

Technical Documentation

This section provides an overview of the technical details of the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor. A user manual for the tool can be downloaded here.

The figure below provides a simplified schema of the underlying architecture of the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor:

Technical doc

As can be seen, the technical architecture consists of:

  • Drupal 7, the content management system that the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor uses to create and modify the mappings;
  • PHP, the programming language;
  • MySQL database, i.e. the database of the Drupal installation, and
  • Virtuoso as triple store where all the descriptions are stored.


Local deployment

The code of the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor is available on GitHub here.

The deployment of the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor requires the installation of PHP and Drupal environments. The PHP version used for the tool is 5.6.15, while the Drupal version is 7.42. In addition, the deployment requires the installation of Virtuoso as the triple store for the data created by the users.

For detailed steps for deployment, please refer to the guide, which can be downloaded here.


The CPSV-AP Mapping Editor can be adapted by modifying the Drupal modules according to the new user needs.

The Mapping Editor consists of four modules:

  1. The CPSV-AP mapping module;
  2. The generic mapping module;
  3. The export module;
  4. The edit mapping module.

These modules are written in PHP and any functional changes will need to be made directly in the source code.

Adapting the CPSV-AP Mapping Editor to an individual data model is straightforward. First, the Mapping Editor is developed with the functionality to create mappings between any data models. In addition, a data model can be imported to generate custom dropdown menus of the classes and properties of the respective data models, improving user friendliness and reducing the work load.

For a detailed description on how to adapt the tool, please refer to the guide, which can be downloaded here

More information on the general design of the tool and its uses can be found here. The document also contains detailed steps on how to deploy, adapt and configure the tool for your local installation.

[This tool has been moved to the Interoperability Test Bed and can be accessed via this link.]


The CPSV-AP Data Validator validates the compliance of descriptions of public services against the requirements of the CPSV-AP. Any user can upload a dataset containing public service descriptions and check that it complies with the CPSV-AP requirements, highlighting potential errors and inconsistencies such as conflicts in data formats, missing mandatory classes, and properties or incorrect relations between classes. This provides public administrations with feedback on avoiding, identifying, and resolving potential inconsistencies, thus improving the quality of their public service descriptions and enhancing harmonisation.

The test implementation of the CPSV-AP Data Validator allows the user to import machine-readable files described in RDF/XML and RDF Turtle. This data can be imported by uploading the relevant files, either via a URI or by direct input. In addition, the CPSV-AP Data Validator API allows systems and software programmes to remotely send public service descriptions for validation against the CPSV-AP. 


Technical Documentation

This section provides the technical details of the test implementation of the CPSV-AP Validator Tool. The CPSV-AP Validator uses a rule file to check the loaded public service descriptions. After validation an overview is given with all the rules that were violated.

The figure below provides a simplified schema on how the CPSV-AP Data Validator works.


As can be seen, the technical architecture consists of:

  • The user interface of the CPSV-AP Validator consists of HTML pages that include JavaScript files to load the rules;
  • The Virtuoso database as the triple store where all descriptions are stored, and
  • The Validator, which can be called via the API from within systems or software programmes.


Web server

The quickest and easiest way to use the tool is by accessing the deployed test implementation of the CPSV-AP Validator tool on the Amazon Web Server. It can be accessed here.

Please note that the web server is only to be used for testing purposes.


Local deployment

The code of the test implementation of the Validator tool is available on GitHub here.

For detailed steps for deployment, please refer to our guide, which can be downloaded here.



The CPSV-AP Data Validator can be easily adapted by updating the validation rules. It can also be reused to validate other data models by changing the rules according to the definition of the data model.

In the event that a programmer wishes to update the CPSV-AP for a new version of the specification, or to validate another data model, they simply have to modify the “cpsv-ap.txt” file with the new rules.


Click here for technical documentation about this tool.

Find more information about SEMIC Tools in the SEMIC Toolkit.