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Workshop - Core data models for public administrations - 12 November 2014, Brussels

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 07/08/2014 Last update: 04/10/2017 Event Archived
Brussels, Belgium
Salle Millenium SC 11 MEZ/049
Salle Millenium SC 11 MEZ/049
Rue de la Science 11, B-1040 Brussels
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Wed 12 November 2014

10:00 - 17:00 (CET)

Download the presentation of the workshop: 2014-11-12-Workshop-Core-data-models-Presentation_v1.00.pdf

Download all other materials (factsheets, pictures, sticky notes) of the workshop2014-11-12_Core_data_models_workshop/

About the workshop

On 12 November 2014, the ISA Programme of the European Commission will host the Workshop “Core data models for public administrations”. The workshop invites e-Government experts to share their views on how Europe can maximally benefit from core data models, which are defined as foundational data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of data entities in a context-neutral fashion. In the last decade, several core data models have been created by public administrations to foster cross-domain semantic interoperability. These initiatives include among others:

Additionally, standardisation organisations have created core data models that are being used in information exchanges by public administrations. These include among others:

Core data models can be extended in order to be applied in specific application domains and are thus the starting point for agreeing on new domain models and information exchange models. The use of core data models guarantees a minimum level of cross-sector and/or cross-border semantic interoperability.

The European Commission promotes cross-domain semantic interoperability with the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme. Within Europe we see countries that are already mature and countries that are less familiar with creating and using core data models. The workshop intends to capitalize on this trend and bring together different stakeholders from different Member States in order to discuss the following questions:

  • Creation: Which core data models exist? Why and how are they created?
  • Use: How to use? What is the real use? How to measure conformance?
  • Maintenance: How are they maintained? What are the benefits? What are the costs?
  • Coordination: How to coordinate and align? Should we create a community of practice or an observatory on core data models? Should we operate a common metadata register?


Download the presentation of the workshop: 2014-11-12-Workshop-Core-data-models-Presentation_v1.00.pdf

Download all other materials (factsheets, pictures, sticky notes) of the workshop2014-11-12_Core_data_models_workshop/

Start Finish Duration Topic




Registration & Coffee




Welcome to the Workshop

Vassilios Peristeras




Round table




Creation: Which core data models exist? Why and how are they created?

> The sticky notes that were shared by the participants during the creation session are available for download: 


Including coffee break




Us​e: How to use? What is the real use? How to measure conformance?




Lunch break




Maintenance: How are they maintained? What are the benefits? What are the costs?




Coffee break




Coordination: How to coordinate and align? Should we create a community of practice or an observatory on core data models? Should we operate a common metadata register?




Open discussion

Online registration

Attendance to the workshop is free, but registration for the workshop is invitation-only. If you are interested to participate, please express your interest by contacting the event organiser via the eventbrite system:


Workshop facilitators

Vassilios Peristeras is a Programme Manager in the ISA Unit. He is the responsible project officer for Action 1.1 on semantic interoperability. He holds a PhD in eGovernment and is an elected Assistant Professor at the International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki and worked as researcher and consultant in various organisations on the field of e-Government.

Expected Participants:

The workshop is invitation-only and invites civil servants in public adminstrations who are working with core data models.

Physical location
Brussels, Belgium
Salle Millenium SC 11 MEZ/049
Salle Millenium SC 11 MEZ/049
Rue de la Science 11, B-1040 Brussels
Would you like to arrive earlier and enjoy a few days in Brussels? Will you stay on for an evening-after dinner? Find out more on or download the Visit Brussels App for iOS or the Brussels City Guide for Android.


Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 11/11/2014 - 05:43

Remote teleconference facilities would be very helpful. There is much work on NIEM and IMI and more that we could discuss/present. Also the CAMeditor project (available in Joinup and also Sourceforge) provides open source tools.