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EU: Enthusiasm around ADMS echoed in its public review

EU: Enthusiasm around ADMS ec…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 13/02/2012 News Archived

The draft ADMS specification was read around 1 200 times and downloaded 640 times, over 20 comments were received by email or through Joinup and 122 messages were exchanged by the ADMS Working Group in the last 3 months (a group of 43 people from 20 different Member States and the United States of America).

Lack of information sharing and re-use can prevent interoperability. This is why Public Administrations, EU Institutions and Standardisation Bodies are increasingly talking about the (ADMS) as the new way of sharing information about interoperability assets on the web. ADMS is a groundbreaking initiative of the ISA Programme. Data models, code-lists, identifiers and other semantic assets will become easily discoverable on the Web once described according to ADMS in RDF or XML.

As of the second semester 2012, the Joinup platform, implemented under the ISA programme, will make available to the public a large number of semantic assets described using ADMS. Through it, semantic interoperability assets will become retrievable and available via a single point of access. Making semantic assets easily discoverable will help European initiatives, and possibly beyond, to develop more interoperable information systems.

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