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FI - Working group investigates opening up national address registry

FI - Working group investigat…

Published on: 21/08/2012 News Archived

A working group established by the Finnish Ministry of Transportation and Communications is investigating the opportunities and impacts of opening up the Finnish national address registry and postal code system.

In order to support this investigation the working group is seeking use cases and experiences of EU Member States and other countries regarding the implementation and maintenance of their postcode and address data systems. Anyone can contribute with information, links, reports, case studies, etc by contacting Antti Poikola. 

The official press release (in Finnish) published by Finnish Ministry of Transportation and Communications further details the working group objectives and expected outputs. Find below a translated version by Antti Poikola also published in the ePSI platform website


Working group is set for the period: 01 June 2012-15 February 2013

“The role of the working group is to find out, how the transparency of postal code system and address registry, could be improved. Its role is to determine how the transparency of these registries can be improved so that the databases could be used for example in the development of new services.

The working group must assess whether it would be appropriate to transfer the maintenance of the postal zip code system away from the publicly own postal company to the Communications Regulatory Authority and the financial implications and necessary legislative actions of such change. The working will make proposals on how to improve the transparency of the postal- and address registries and propose related legislative and other needed actions. The working group will also review the possible effects of proposals to the different stakeholders.

The working group’s mandate is based on the Katainen’s (current prime minister) Government programme, which states that “information resources produced using public funding will be opened up for public and corporate access”. The postal code system and the address register are two key information systems for the society, the possibilities for more open exploitation of these systems will be explore by the working group. The aim is that the systems would serve better, for example, new players and operators.”

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